Home > matGeom > geom2d > intersectEdges.m



INTERSECTEDGES Return all intersections between two set of edges.


function point = intersectEdges(edge1, edge2, varargin)


INTERSECTEDGES Return all intersections between two set of edges.

   P = intersectEdges(E1, E2);
   returns the intersection point of edges E1 and E2. 
   E1 and E2 are 1-by-4 arrays, containing parametric representation of
   each edge (in the form [x1 y1 x2 y2], see 'createEdge' for details).
   In case of colinear edges, the result P contains [Inf Inf].
   In case of parallel but not colinear edges, the result P contains 
   [NaN NaN]. 

   If each input is N-by-4 array, the result is a N-by-2 array containing
   the intersection of each couple of edges.
   If one of the input has N rows and the other 1 row, the result is a
   N-by-2 array.

   P = intersectEdges(E1, E2, TOL);
   Specifies a tolerance parameter to determine parallel and colinear
   edges, and if a point belongs to an edge or not. The latter test is
   performed on the relative position of the intersection point over the
   edge, that should lie within [-TOL; 1+TOL]. 

   See also:
   edges2d, intersectLines


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function point = intersectEdges(edge1, edge2, varargin)
0002 %INTERSECTEDGES Return all intersections between two set of edges.
0003 %
0004 %   P = intersectEdges(E1, E2);
0005 %   returns the intersection point of edges E1 and E2.
0006 %   E1 and E2 are 1-by-4 arrays, containing parametric representation of
0007 %   each edge (in the form [x1 y1 x2 y2], see 'createEdge' for details).
0008 %
0009 %   In case of colinear edges, the result P contains [Inf Inf].
0010 %   In case of parallel but not colinear edges, the result P contains
0011 %   [NaN NaN].
0012 %
0013 %   If each input is N-by-4 array, the result is a N-by-2 array containing
0014 %   the intersection of each couple of edges.
0015 %   If one of the input has N rows and the other 1 row, the result is a
0016 %   N-by-2 array.
0017 %
0018 %   P = intersectEdges(E1, E2, TOL);
0019 %   Specifies a tolerance parameter to determine parallel and colinear
0020 %   edges, and if a point belongs to an edge or not. The latter test is
0021 %   performed on the relative position of the intersection point over the
0022 %   edge, that should lie within [-TOL; 1+TOL].
0023 %
0024 %   See also:
0025 %   edges2d, intersectLines
0026 %
0028 % ------
0029 % Author: David Legland
0030 % e-mail: david.legland@nantes.inra.fr
0031 % INRA - Cepia Software Platform
0032 % created the 31/10/2003.
0033 %
0035 %   HISTORY
0036 %   19/02/2004 add support for multiple edges.
0037 %   15/08/2005 rewrite a lot, and create unit tests
0038 %   08/03/2007 update doc
0039 %   21/09/2009 fix bug for edge arrays (thanks to Miquel Cubells)
0040 %   03/08/2010 fix another bug for edge arrays (thanks to Reto Zingg)
0041 %   20/02/2013 fix bug for management of parallel edges (thanks to Nicolaj
0042 %   Kirchhof)
0043 %   19/07/2016 add support for tolerance
0045 % tolerance for precision
0046 tol = 1e-14;
0048 if nargin > 2
0049     tol = varargin{1};
0050 end
0053 %% Initialisations
0055 % ensure input arrays are same size
0056 N1  = size(edge1, 1);
0057 N2  = size(edge2, 1);
0059 % ensure input have same size
0060 if N1 ~= N2
0061     if N1 == 1
0062         edge1 = repmat(edge1, [N2 1]);
0063         N1 = N2;
0064     elseif N2 == 1
0065         edge2 = repmat(edge2, [N1 1]);
0066     end
0067 end
0069 % initialize result array
0070 x0  = zeros(N1, 1);
0071 y0  = zeros(N1, 1);
0074 %% Detect parallel and colinear cases
0076 % indices of parallel edges
0077 %par = abs(dx1.*dy2 - dx1.*dy2)<tol;
0078 par = isParallel(edge1(:,3:4)-edge1(:,1:2), edge2(:,3:4)-edge2(:,1:2));
0080 % indices of colinear edges
0081 % equivalent to: |(x2-x1)*dy1 - (y2-y1)*dx1| < eps
0082 col = abs(  (edge2(:,1)-edge1(:,1)) .* (edge1(:,4)-edge1(:,2)) - ...
0083             (edge2(:,2)-edge1(:,2)) .* (edge1(:,3)-edge1(:,1)) ) < tol & par;
0085 % Parallel edges have no intersection -> return [NaN NaN]
0086 x0(par & ~col) = NaN;
0087 y0(par & ~col) = NaN;
0090 %% Process colinear edges
0092 % colinear edges may have 0, 1 or infinite intersection
0093 % Discrimnation based on position of edge2 vertices on edge1
0094 if sum(col) > 0
0095     % array for storing results of colinear edges
0096     resCol = Inf * ones(size(col));
0098     % compute position of edge2 vertices wrt edge1
0099     t1 = edgePosition(edge2(col, 1:2), edge1(col, :));
0100     t2 = edgePosition(edge2(col, 3:4), edge1(col, :));
0102     % control location of vertices: we want t1<t2
0103     if t1 > t2
0104         tmp = t1;
0105         t1  = t2;
0106         t2  = tmp;
0107     end
0109     % edge totally before first vertex or totally after last vertex
0110     resCol(col(t2 < -tol))  = NaN;
0111     resCol(col(t1 > 1+tol)) = NaN;
0113     % set up result into point coordinate
0114     x0(col) = resCol(col);
0115     y0(col) = resCol(col);
0117     % touches on first point of first edge
0118     touch = col(abs(t2) < tol);
0119     x0(touch) = edge1(touch, 1);
0120     y0(touch) = edge1(touch, 2);
0122     % touches on second point of first edge
0123     touch = col(abs(t1-1) < tol);
0124     x0(touch) = edge1(touch, 3);
0125     y0(touch) = edge1(touch, 4);
0126 end
0129 %% Process non parallel cases
0131 % process edges whose supporting lines intersect
0132 i = find(~par);
0134 % use a test to avoid process empty arrays
0135 if sum(i) > 0
0136     % extract base parameters of supporting lines for non-parallel edges
0137     x1  = edge1(i,1);
0138     y1  = edge1(i,2);
0139     dx1 = edge1(i,3) - x1;
0140     dy1 = edge1(i,4) - y1;
0141     x2  = edge2(i,1);
0142     y2  = edge2(i,2);
0143     dx2 = edge2(i,3) - x2;
0144     dy2 = edge2(i,4) - y2;
0146     % compute intersection points of supporting lines
0147     delta = (dx2.*dy1 - dx1.*dy2);
0148     x0(i) = ((y2-y1).*dx1.*dx2 + x1.*dy1.*dx2 - x2.*dy2.*dx1) ./ delta;
0149     y0(i) = ((x2-x1).*dy1.*dy2 + y1.*dx1.*dy2 - y2.*dx2.*dy1) ./ -delta;
0151     % compute position of intersection points on each edge
0152     % t1 is position on edge1, t2 is position on edge2
0153     t1  = ((y0(i)-y1).*dy1 + (x0(i)-x1).*dx1) ./ (dx1.*dx1+dy1.*dy1);
0154     t2  = ((y0(i)-y2).*dy2 + (x0(i)-x2).*dx2) ./ (dx2.*dx2+dy2.*dy2);
0156     % check position of points on edges.
0157     % it should be comprised between 0 and 1 for both t1 and t2.
0158     % if not, the edges do not intersect
0159     out = t1<-tol | t1>1+tol | t2<-tol | t2>1+tol;
0160     x0(i(out)) = NaN;
0161     y0(i(out)) = NaN;
0162 end
0165 %% format output arguments
0167 point = [x0 y0];

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