Home > matGeom > geom2d > isPointOnEdge.m



ISPOINTONEDGE Test if a point belongs to an edge.


function b = isPointOnEdge(point, edge, varargin)


ISPOINTONEDGE Test if a point belongs to an edge.

   B = isPointOnEdge(POINT, EDGE)
   B = isPointOnEdge(POINT, EDGE, TOL)

   B = isPointOnEdge(POINT, EDGE)
   with POINT being [xp yp], and EDGE being [x1 y1 x2 y2], returns TRUE if
   the point is located on the edge, and FALSE otherwise.

   B = isPointOnEdge(POINT, EDGE, TOL)
   Specify an optilonal tolerance value TOL. The tolerance is given as a
   fraction of the norm of the edge direction vector. Default is 1e-14. 

   B = isPointOnEdge(POINTARRAY, EDGE)
   B = isPointOnEdge(POINT, EDGEARRAY)
   When one of the inputs has several rows, return the result of the test
   for each element of the array tested against the single parameter.

   When both POINTARRAY and EDGEARRAY have the same number of rows,
   returns a column vector with the same number of rows.
   When the number of rows are different and both greater than 1, returns
   a Np-by-Ne matrix of booleans, containing the result for each couple of
   point and edge.

   % create a point array
   points = [10 10;15 10; 30 10];
   % create an edge array
   vertices = [10 10;20 10;20 20;10 20];
   edges = [vertices vertices([2:end 1], :)];

   % Test one point and one edge
   isPointOnEdge(points(1,:), edges(1,:))
   ans = 
   isPointOnEdge(points(3,:), edges(1,:))
   ans = 

   % Test one point and several edges
   isPointOnEdge(points(1,:), edges)'
   ans =
        1     0     0     1

   % Test several points and one edge
   isPointOnEdge(points, edges(1,:))'
   ans =
        1     1     0

   % Test N points and N edges
   isPointOnEdge(points, edges(1:3,:))'
   ans =
        1     0     0

   % Test NP points and NE edges
   isPointOnEdge(points, edges)
   ans =
        1     0     0     1
        1     0     0     0
        0     0     0     0

   See also
   edges2d, points2d, isPointOnLine


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function b = isPointOnEdge(point, edge, varargin)
0002 %ISPOINTONEDGE Test if a point belongs to an edge.
0003 %
0004 %   Usage
0005 %   B = isPointOnEdge(POINT, EDGE)
0006 %   B = isPointOnEdge(POINT, EDGE, TOL)
0007 %
0008 %   Description
0009 %   B = isPointOnEdge(POINT, EDGE)
0010 %   with POINT being [xp yp], and EDGE being [x1 y1 x2 y2], returns TRUE if
0011 %   the point is located on the edge, and FALSE otherwise.
0012 %
0013 %   B = isPointOnEdge(POINT, EDGE, TOL)
0014 %   Specify an optilonal tolerance value TOL. The tolerance is given as a
0015 %   fraction of the norm of the edge direction vector. Default is 1e-14.
0016 %
0017 %   B = isPointOnEdge(POINTARRAY, EDGE)
0018 %   B = isPointOnEdge(POINT, EDGEARRAY)
0019 %   When one of the inputs has several rows, return the result of the test
0020 %   for each element of the array tested against the single parameter.
0021 %
0022 %   B = isPointOnEdge(POINTARRAY, EDGEARRAY)
0023 %   When both POINTARRAY and EDGEARRAY have the same number of rows,
0024 %   returns a column vector with the same number of rows.
0025 %   When the number of rows are different and both greater than 1, returns
0026 %   a Np-by-Ne matrix of booleans, containing the result for each couple of
0027 %   point and edge.
0028 %
0029 %   Examples
0030 %   % create a point array
0031 %   points = [10 10;15 10; 30 10];
0032 %   % create an edge array
0033 %   vertices = [10 10;20 10;20 20;10 20];
0034 %   edges = [vertices vertices([2:end 1], :)];
0035 %
0036 %   % Test one point and one edge
0037 %   isPointOnEdge(points(1,:), edges(1,:))
0038 %   ans =
0039 %       1
0040 %   isPointOnEdge(points(3,:), edges(1,:))
0041 %   ans =
0042 %       0
0043 %
0044 %   % Test one point and several edges
0045 %   isPointOnEdge(points(1,:), edges)'
0046 %   ans =
0047 %        1     0     0     1
0048 %
0049 %   % Test several points and one edge
0050 %   isPointOnEdge(points, edges(1,:))'
0051 %   ans =
0052 %        1     1     0
0053 %
0054 %   % Test N points and N edges
0055 %   isPointOnEdge(points, edges(1:3,:))'
0056 %   ans =
0057 %        1     0     0
0058 %
0059 %   % Test NP points and NE edges
0060 %   isPointOnEdge(points, edges)
0061 %   ans =
0062 %        1     0     0     1
0063 %        1     0     0     0
0064 %        0     0     0     0
0065 %
0066 %
0067 %   See also
0068 %   edges2d, points2d, isPointOnLine
0069 %
0071 %   ---------
0072 %   author : David Legland
0074 %   created the 31/10/2003.
0075 %
0077 %   HISTORY
0078 %   11/03/2004 change input format: edge is [x1 y1 x2 y2].
0079 %   17/01/2005 if test N edges with N points, return N boolean.
0080 %   21/01/2005 normalize test for colinearity, so enhance precision
0081 %   22/05/2009 rename to isPointOnEdge, add psb to specify tolerance
0082 %   26/01/2010 fix bug in precision computation
0083 %   04/10/2010 fix a bug, and clean up code
0084 %   28/10/2010 fix bug to have N results when input is N points and N
0085 %       edges, add support for arrays with different numbers of rows, and
0086 %       update doc.
0087 %   2011-06-15 rewrites by using less memory, and avoiding repmat when psb
0090 % extract computation tolerance
0091 tol = 1e-14;
0092 if ~isempty(varargin)
0093     tol = varargin{1};
0094 end
0096 % number of edges and of points
0097 nPoints = size(point, 1);
0098 nEdges = size(edge, 1);
0100 % adapt size of inputs if needed, and extract elements for computation
0101 if nPoints == nEdges
0102     % When the number of points and edges is the same, the one-to-one test
0103     % will be computed, so there is no need to repeat matrices
0104     dx = edge(:,3) - edge(:,1);
0105     dy = edge(:,4) - edge(:,2);
0106     lx = point(:,1) - edge(:,1);
0107     ly = point(:,2) - edge(:,2);
0109 elseif nPoints == 1
0110     % one point, several edges
0111     dx = edge(:, 3) - edge(:, 1);
0112     dy = edge(:, 4) - edge(:, 2);
0113     lx = point(ones(nEdges, 1), 1) - edge(:, 1);
0114     ly = point(ones(nEdges, 1), 2) - edge(:, 2);
0116 elseif nEdges == 1
0117     % several points, one edge
0118     dx = (edge(3) - edge(1)) * ones(nPoints, 1);
0119     dy = (edge(4) - edge(2)) * ones(nPoints, 1);
0120     lx = point(:, 1) - edge(1);
0121     ly = point(:, 2) - edge(2);
0123 else
0124     % Np points and Ne edges:
0125     % Create an array for each parameter, so that the result will be a
0126     % Np-by-Ne matrix of booleans (requires more memory, and uses repmat)
0128     x0 = repmat(edge(:, 1)', nPoints, 1);
0129     y0 = repmat(edge(:, 2)', nPoints, 1);
0130     dx = repmat(edge(:, 3)', nPoints,  1) - x0;
0131     dy = repmat(edge(:, 4)', nPoints,  1) - y0;
0133     lx = repmat(point(:, 1), 1, nEdges) - x0;
0134     ly = repmat(point(:, 2), 1, nEdges) - y0;
0135 end
0137 % test if point is located on supporting line
0138 b1 = abs(lx.*dy - ly.*dx) ./ (dx.*dx + dy.*dy) < tol;
0140 % compute position of point with respect to edge bounds
0141 % use different tests depending on line angle
0142 ind     = abs(dx) > abs(dy);
0143 t       = zeros(size(dx));
0144 t(ind)  = lx( ind) ./ dx( ind);
0145 t(~ind) = ly(~ind) ./ dy(~ind);
0147 % check if point is located between edge bounds
0148 b = t >- tol & t-1 < tol & b1;

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