Home > matGeom > polygons2d > intersectLinePolygon.m



Intersection points between a line and a polygon.


function [points, edgeInds, linePositions] = intersectLinePolygon(line, poly, varargin)


 Intersection points between a line and a polygon.

   P = intersectLinePolygon(LINE, POLY)
   Returns the intersection points of the lines LINE with polygon POLY. 
   LINE is a 1-by-4 row vector containing parametric representation of the
   line (in the format [x0 y0 dx dy], see the function 'createLine' for
   POLY is a NV-by-2 array containing coordinates of the polygon vertices
   P is a K-by-2 array containing the coordinates of the K intersection

   P = intersectLinePolygon(LINE, POLY, TOL)
   Specifies the tolerance for geometric tests. Default is 1e-14.

   [P, INDS] = intersectLinePolygon(...)
   Also returns the indices of edges involved in intersections. INDS is a
   K-by-1 column vector, such that P(i,:) corresponds to intersection of
   the line with the i-th edge of the polygon. If the intersection occurs
   at a polygon vertex, the index of only one of the two neighbor edges is
   Note that due to numerical approximations, the use of function
   'isPointOnEdge' may give results not consistent with this function.

   [P, INDS, POS] = intersectLinePolygon(...)
   Also returns the relative position of each intersection point along the
   line. The position can be used to sort the points.

   % compute intersections between a square and an horizontal line
     poly = [0 0;10 0;10 10;0 10];
     line = [5 5 1 0];
     intersectLinePolygon(line, poly)
     ans =
           10     5
            0     5
     % also return indices of edges
     [inters, inds] = intersectLinePolygon(line, poly)
     inters =
           10     5
            0     5
     inds =
     % Potentially prolematic case
     % create a polygon with various configurations at y=50
     poly = [10 30;30 50;45 30; 50 50; 60 70; 70 50; ...
         90 30; 80 80; 50 80; 40 50; 30 80; 20 80];
     figure; axis([0 100 0 100]); hold on;
     drawPolygon(poly, 'b'); drawPoint(poly, 'b.');
     % Computes intersection with horizontal line at y=50
     line = [10 50 2 0]; drawLine(line, 'm');
     points = intersectLinePolygon(line, poly);
     % result is a 6-by-2 numeric array, with a double intersection
     % (indices 2 and 3), resulting in five displayed intersections.
     drawPoint(points, 'ko');
     % sort intersection points according to x-coordinate
     points2 = sortrows(points, 1);
     % display pairs of successive intersection points as colored lines
     for i = 1:2:size(points2, 1)
         drawEdge(points2(i,:), points2(i+1,:), 'linewidth', 2);


   See Also
   lines2d, polygons2d, intersectLines, intersectRayPolygon, polygonEdges


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [points, edgeInds, linePositions] = intersectLinePolygon(line, poly, varargin)
0002 % Intersection points between a line and a polygon.
0003 %
0004 %   P = intersectLinePolygon(LINE, POLY)
0005 %   Returns the intersection points of the lines LINE with polygon POLY.
0006 %   LINE is a 1-by-4 row vector containing parametric representation of the
0007 %   line (in the format [x0 y0 dx dy], see the function 'createLine' for
0008 %   details).
0009 %   POLY is a NV-by-2 array containing coordinates of the polygon vertices
0010 %   P is a K-by-2 array containing the coordinates of the K intersection
0011 %   points.
0012 %
0013 %   P = intersectLinePolygon(LINE, POLY, TOL)
0014 %   Specifies the tolerance for geometric tests. Default is 1e-14.
0015 %
0016 %   [P, INDS] = intersectLinePolygon(...)
0017 %   Also returns the indices of edges involved in intersections. INDS is a
0018 %   K-by-1 column vector, such that P(i,:) corresponds to intersection of
0019 %   the line with the i-th edge of the polygon. If the intersection occurs
0020 %   at a polygon vertex, the index of only one of the two neighbor edges is
0021 %   returned.
0022 %   Note that due to numerical approximations, the use of function
0023 %   'isPointOnEdge' may give results not consistent with this function.
0024 %
0025 %   [P, INDS, POS] = intersectLinePolygon(...)
0026 %   Also returns the relative position of each intersection point along the
0027 %   line. The position can be used to sort the points.
0028 %
0029 %   Examples
0030 %   % compute intersections between a square and an horizontal line
0031 %     poly = [0 0;10 0;10 10;0 10];
0032 %     line = [5 5 1 0];
0033 %     intersectLinePolygon(line, poly)
0034 %     ans =
0035 %           10     5
0036 %            0     5
0037 %     % also return indices of edges
0038 %     [inters, inds] = intersectLinePolygon(line, poly)
0039 %     inters =
0040 %           10     5
0041 %            0     5
0042 %     inds =
0043 %           4
0044 %           2
0045 %
0046 %     % Potentially prolematic case
0047 %     % create a polygon with various configurations at y=50
0048 %     poly = [10 30;30 50;45 30; 50 50; 60 70; 70 50; ...
0049 %         90 30; 80 80; 50 80; 40 50; 30 80; 20 80];
0050 %     figure; axis([0 100 0 100]); hold on;
0051 %     drawPolygon(poly, 'b'); drawPoint(poly, 'b.');
0052 %     % Computes intersection with horizontal line at y=50
0053 %     line = [10 50 2 0]; drawLine(line, 'm');
0054 %     points = intersectLinePolygon(line, poly);
0055 %     % result is a 6-by-2 numeric array, with a double intersection
0056 %     % (indices 2 and 3), resulting in five displayed intersections.
0057 %     drawPoint(points, 'ko');
0058 %     % sort intersection points according to x-coordinate
0059 %     points2 = sortrows(points, 1);
0060 %     % display pairs of successive intersection points as colored lines
0061 %     for i = 1:2:size(points2, 1)
0062 %         drawEdge(points2(i,:), points2(i+1,:), 'linewidth', 2);
0063 %     end
0064 %
0065 %   References
0066 %     https://web.cs.ucdavis.edu/~ma/ECS175_S00/Notes/0411_b.pdf
0067 %     https://alienryderflex.com/polygon_fill/
0068 %
0069 %   See Also
0070 %   lines2d, polygons2d, intersectLines, intersectRayPolygon, polygonEdges
0071 %
0073 % ------
0074 % Author: David Legland
0075 % e-mail: david.legland@inrae.fr
0076 % Created: 2003-10-31,    using Matlab (R2009b)
0077 % Copyright 2012 INRA - Cepia Software Platform.
0079 % 2022-02-14: new algorithm, more robust to numerical issues, but that can
0080 % change behaviour compared to previous implementation
0082 % line origin and angle
0083 ox = line(1);
0084 oy = line(2);
0085 dx = line(3);
0086 dy = line(4);
0088 % create transform matrix that project line onto the horizontal axis
0089 % (then, computation of intersections rely only on the y-coordinate)
0090 theta = atan2(dy, dx);
0091 s = hypot(dx, dy);
0092 cot = cos(theta) / s;
0093 sit = sin(theta) / s;
0094 transfo = [cot sit 0; -sit cot 0; 0 0 1] * [1 0 -ox; 0 1 -oy; 0 0 1];
0096 % number of vertices in polygon
0097 nVertices = size(poly, 1);
0099 %  create arrays for storing x-coordinates and edge inds of intersections
0100 linePositions = [];
0101 edgeInds = [];
0103 % retrieve previous vertex and its y-coordinate
0104 ivp = nVertices;
0105 previousVertex = transformPoint(poly(ivp,:), transfo);
0106 yvp = previousVertex(2);
0108 % iterate over indices of first edge vertex
0109 for iv = 1:nVertices
0110     % current vertex and its y-coordinate
0111     currentVertex = transformPoint(poly(iv,:), transfo);
0112     yv = currentVertex(2);
0114     % check conditions for intersection
0115     % either if:
0116     % 1) previous vertex is above or on, and current vertex is strictly below
0117     % 2) previous vertex is strictly below, and current vertex is above or on
0118     if  yvp >= 0 && yv < 0 || yvp < 0 && yv >= 0
0119         % slope of current edge (dy cannot be zero due to above condition)
0120         edgeDx = currentVertex(1) - previousVertex(1);
0121         edgeDy = currentVertex(2) - previousVertex(2);
0122         % position of intersection on the horizontal line
0123         currentPos = currentVertex(1) - yv * edgeDx / edgeDy ;
0124         % add to list of intersections
0125         linePositions = [linePositions ; currentPos]; %#ok<AGROW>
0126         % keep list if edge indices
0127         edgeInds = [edgeInds ; ivp]; %#ok<AGROW>
0128     end
0130     % switch current vertex to previous vertex
0131     previousVertex = currentVertex;
0132     ivp = iv; % keep edge index for optional output
0133     yvp = yv;
0134 end
0136 % format output result into a N-by-2 array of points
0137 if ~isempty(linePositions)
0138     points = [linePositions zeros(size(linePositions))];
0139     points = transformPoint(points, inv(transfo));
0140     linePositions = linePositions;
0141 else
0142     points = [];
0143 end

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