Home > matGeom > polygons2d > smoothPolyline.m



SMOOTHPOLYLINE Smooth a polyline using local averaging.


function res = smoothPolyline(poly, M)


SMOOTHPOLYLINE Smooth a polyline using local averaging.

   RES = smoothPolygon(POLY, M)
   POLY contains the polyline vertices, and M is the size of smoothing
   (given as the length of the convolution window).
   Extremities of the polyline are smoothed with reduced window (last and
   first vertices are kept identical, second and penultimate vertices are
   smoothed with 3 values, etc.).

     img = imread('circles.png');
     img = imfill(img, 'holes');
     contours = bwboundaries(img');
     poly = contours{1}(201:500,:);
     figure; drawPolyline(poly, 'b'); hold on;
     poly2 = smoothPolyline(poly, 21);
     drawPolygon(poly2, 'm');

   See also
     polygons2d, smoothPolygon, simplifyPolyline, resamplePolyline


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function res = smoothPolyline(poly, M)
0002 %SMOOTHPOLYLINE Smooth a polyline using local averaging.
0003 %
0004 %   RES = smoothPolygon(POLY, M)
0005 %   POLY contains the polyline vertices, and M is the size of smoothing
0006 %   (given as the length of the convolution window).
0007 %   Extremities of the polyline are smoothed with reduced window (last and
0008 %   first vertices are kept identical, second and penultimate vertices are
0009 %   smoothed with 3 values, etc.).
0010 %
0011 %   Example
0012 %     img = imread('circles.png');
0013 %     img = imfill(img, 'holes');
0014 %     contours = bwboundaries(img');
0015 %     poly = contours{1}(201:500,:);
0016 %     figure; drawPolyline(poly, 'b'); hold on;
0017 %     poly2 = smoothPolyline(poly, 21);
0018 %     drawPolygon(poly2, 'm');
0019 %
0020 %   See also
0021 %     polygons2d, smoothPolygon, simplifyPolyline, resamplePolyline
0023 % ------
0024 % Author: David Legland
0025 % e-mail: david.legland@grignon.inra.fr
0026 % Created: 2015-02-17,    using Matlab (R2014b)
0027 % Copyright 2015 INRA - Cepia Software Platform.
0029 % compute the number of elements before and after
0030 M1 = floor((M - 1) / 2);
0031 M2 = ceil((M - 1) / 2);
0033 % create convolution vector
0034 v2 = ones(M, 1) / M;
0036 % apply filtering on central part of the polyline
0037 res(:,1) = conv(poly(:,1), v2, 'same');
0038 res(:,2) = conv(poly(:,2), v2, 'same');
0040 % need to recompute the extremities
0041 for i = 1:M1
0042     i2 = 2 * i - 1;
0043     res(i, 1) = mean(poly(1:i2, 1));
0044     res(i, 2) = mean(poly(1:i2, 2));
0045 end
0046 for i = 1:M2
0047     i2 = 2 * i - 1;
0048     res(end - i + 1, 1) = mean(poly(end-i2+1:end, 1));
0049     res(end - i + 1, 2) = mean(poly(end-i2+1:end, 2));
0050 end

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