Home > matGeom > geom2d > intersectCircles.m



INTERSECTCIRCLES Intersection points of two circles.


function points = intersectCircles(circle1, circle2)


INTERSECTCIRCLES Intersection points of two circles.

   POINTS = intersectCircles(CIRCLE1, CIRCLE2)
   Computes the intersetion point of the two circles CIRCLE1 and CIRCLE1.
   Both circles are given with format: [XC YC R], with (XC,YC) being the
   coordinates of the center and R being the radius.
   POINTS is a 2-by-2 array, containing coordinate of an intersection
   point on each row. 
   In the case of tangent circles, the intersection is returned twice. It
   can be simplified by using the 'unique' function.

     % intersection points of two distant circles
     c1 = [0  0 10];
     c2 = [10 0 10];
     pts = intersectCircles(c1, c2)
     pts =
         5   -8.6603
         5    8.6603

     % intersection points of two tangent circles
     c1 = [0  0 10];
     c2 = [20 0 10];
     pts = intersectCircles(c1, c2)
     pts =
         10    0
         10    0
     pts2 = unique(pts, 'rows')
     pts2 = 
         10    0


   See also
   circles2d, intersectLineCircle, radicalAxis

 Author: David Legland
 e-mail: david.legland@grignon.inra.fr
 Created: 2011-01-20,    using Matlab (R2009b)
 Copyright 2011 INRA - Cepia Software Platform.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function points = intersectCircles(circle1, circle2)
0002 %INTERSECTCIRCLES Intersection points of two circles.
0003 %
0004 %   POINTS = intersectCircles(CIRCLE1, CIRCLE2)
0005 %   Computes the intersetion point of the two circles CIRCLE1 and CIRCLE1.
0006 %   Both circles are given with format: [XC YC R], with (XC,YC) being the
0007 %   coordinates of the center and R being the radius.
0008 %   POINTS is a 2-by-2 array, containing coordinate of an intersection
0009 %   point on each row.
0010 %   In the case of tangent circles, the intersection is returned twice. It
0011 %   can be simplified by using the 'unique' function.
0012 %
0013 %   Example
0014 %     % intersection points of two distant circles
0015 %     c1 = [0  0 10];
0016 %     c2 = [10 0 10];
0017 %     pts = intersectCircles(c1, c2)
0018 %     pts =
0019 %         5   -8.6603
0020 %         5    8.6603
0021 %
0022 %     % intersection points of two tangent circles
0023 %     c1 = [0  0 10];
0024 %     c2 = [20 0 10];
0025 %     pts = intersectCircles(c1, c2)
0026 %     pts =
0027 %         10    0
0028 %         10    0
0029 %     pts2 = unique(pts, 'rows')
0030 %     pts2 =
0031 %         10    0
0032 %
0033 %   References
0034 %   http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/2circle/
0035 %   http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Circle-CircleIntersection.html
0036 %
0037 %   See also
0038 %   circles2d, intersectLineCircle, radicalAxis
0039 %
0040 %
0041 % ------
0042 % Author: David Legland
0043 % e-mail: david.legland@grignon.inra.fr
0044 % Created: 2011-01-20,    using Matlab (R2009b)
0045 % Copyright 2011 INRA - Cepia Software Platform.
0047 %   HISTORY
0048 %   2011-06-06 add support for multiple inputs
0051 % adapt sizes of inputs
0052 n1 = size(circle1, 1);
0053 n2 = size(circle2, 1);
0054 if n1 ~= n2
0055     if n1 > 1 && n2 == 1
0056         circle2 = repmat(circle2, n1, 1);
0057     elseif n2 > 1 && n1 == 1
0058         circle1 = repmat(circle1, n2, 1);
0059     else 
0060         error('Both input should have same number of rows');
0061     end
0062 end
0064 % extract center and radius of each circle
0065 center1 = circle1(:, 1:2);
0066 center2 = circle2(:, 1:2);
0067 r1 = circle1(:,3);
0068 r2 = circle2(:,3);
0070 % allocate memory for result
0071 nPoints = length(r1);
0072 points = NaN * ones(2*nPoints, 2);
0074 % distance between circle centers
0075 d12 = distancePoints(center1, center2, 'diag');
0077 % get indices of circle couples with intersections
0078 inds = d12 >= abs(r1 - r2) & d12 <= (r1 + r2);
0080 if sum(inds) == 0
0081     return;
0082 end
0084 % angle of line from center1 to center2
0085 angle = angle2Points(center1(inds,:), center2(inds,:));
0087 % position of intermediate point, located at the intersection of the
0088 % radical axis with the line joining circle centers
0089 d1m  = d12(inds) / 2 + (r1(inds).^2 - r2(inds).^2) ./ (2 * d12(inds));
0090 tmp = polarPoint(center1(inds, :), d1m, angle);
0092 % distance between intermediate point and each intersection point
0093 h   = sqrt(r1(inds).^2 - d1m.^2);
0095 % indices of valid intersections
0096 inds2 = find(inds)*2;
0097 inds1 = inds2 - 1;
0099 % create intersection points
0100 points(inds1, :) = polarPoint(tmp, h, angle - pi/2);
0101 points(inds2, :) = polarPoint(tmp, h, angle + pi/2);

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