Home > matGeom > geom2d > distancePoints.m



DISTANCEPOINTS Compute distance between two points.


function dist = distancePoints(p1, p2, varargin)


DISTANCEPOINTS Compute distance between two points.

   D = distancePoints(P1, P2)
   Return the Euclidean distance between points P1 and P2.

   If P1 and P2 are two arrays of points, result is a N1-by-N2 array
   containing distance between each point of P1 and each point of P2. 

   D = distancePoints(P1, P2, NORM)
   Compute distance using the specified norm. NORM=2 corresponds to usual
   euclidean distance, NORM=1 corresponds to Manhattan distance, NORM=inf
   is assumed to correspond to maximum difference in coordinate. Other
   values (>0) can be specified.

   D = distancePoints(..., 'diag')
   compute only distances between P1(i,:) and P2(i,:).

   See also:
   points2d, minDistancePoints, nndist, hausdorffDistance


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function dist = distancePoints(p1, p2, varargin)
0002 %DISTANCEPOINTS Compute distance between two points.
0003 %
0004 %   D = distancePoints(P1, P2)
0005 %   Return the Euclidean distance between points P1 and P2.
0006 %
0007 %   If P1 and P2 are two arrays of points, result is a N1-by-N2 array
0008 %   containing distance between each point of P1 and each point of P2.
0009 %
0010 %   D = distancePoints(P1, P2, NORM)
0011 %   Compute distance using the specified norm. NORM=2 corresponds to usual
0012 %   euclidean distance, NORM=1 corresponds to Manhattan distance, NORM=inf
0013 %   is assumed to correspond to maximum difference in coordinate. Other
0014 %   values (>0) can be specified.
0015 %
0016 %   D = distancePoints(..., 'diag')
0017 %   compute only distances between P1(i,:) and P2(i,:).
0018 %
0019 %   See also:
0020 %   points2d, minDistancePoints, nndist, hausdorffDistance
0021 %
0023 % ------
0024 % Author: David Legland
0025 % e-mail: david.legland@nantes.inra.fr
0026 % Copyright 2009 INRA - Cepia Software Platform.
0027 % created the 24/02/2004.
0028 %
0030 %   HISTORY :
0031 %   25/05/2004: manage 2 array of points
0032 %   07/04/2004: add option for computing only diagonal.
0033 %   30/10/2006: generalize to any dimension, and manage different norms
0034 %   03/01/2007: bug for arbitrary norm, and update doc
0035 %   28/08/2007: fix bug for norms 2 and infinite, in diagonal case
0038 %% Setup options
0040 % default values
0041 diag = false;
0042 norm = 2;
0044 % check first argument: norm or diag
0045 if ~isempty(varargin)
0046     var = varargin{1};
0047     if isnumeric(var)
0048         norm = var;
0049     elseif strncmp('diag', var, 4)
0050         diag = true;
0051     end
0052     varargin(1) = [];
0053 end
0055 % check last argument: diag
0056 if ~isempty(varargin)
0057     var = varargin{1};
0058     if strncmp('diag', var, 4)
0059         diag = true;
0060     end
0061 end
0064 % number of points in each array and their dimension
0065 n1  = size(p1, 1);
0066 n2  = size(p2, 1);
0067 d   = size(p1, 2);
0069 if diag
0070     % compute distance only for apparied couples of pixels
0071     dist = zeros(n1, 1);
0073     if norm == 2
0074         % Compute euclidian distance. this is the default case
0075         % Compute difference of coordinate for each pair of point
0076         % and for each dimension. -> dist is a [n1*n2] array.
0077         for i = 1:d
0078             dist = dist + (p2(:,i)-p1(:,i)).^2;
0079         end
0080         dist = sqrt(dist);
0082     elseif norm == inf
0083         % infinite norm corresponds to maximal difference of coordinate
0084         for i = 1:d
0085             dist = max(dist, abs(p2(:,i)-p1(:,i)));
0086         end
0088     else
0089         % compute distance using the specified norm.
0090         for i = 1:d
0091             dist = dist + power((abs(p2(:,i)-p1(:,i))), norm);
0092         end
0093         dist = power(dist, 1/norm);
0094     end
0095 else
0096     % compute distance for all couples of pixels
0097     dist = zeros(n1, n2);
0099     if norm == 2
0100         % Compute euclidian distance. This is the default case.
0101         % Compute difference of coordinate for each pair of point
0102         % and for each dimension. -> dist is a [n1*n2] array.
0103         for i = 1:d
0104             % equivalent to:
0105             % dist = dist + ...
0106             %   (repmat(p1(:,i), [1 n2])-repmat(p2(:,i)', [n1 1])).^2;
0107             dist = dist + bsxfun (@minus, p1(:,i), p2(:, i)').^2;
0108         end
0109         dist = sqrt(dist);
0111     elseif norm == inf
0112         % infinite norm corresponds to maximal difference of coordinate
0113         for i = 1:d
0114             dist = max(dist, abs(bsxfun (@minus, p1(:,i), p2(:, i)')));
0115         end
0117     else
0118         % compute distance using the specified norm.
0119         for i = 1:d
0120             % equivalent to:
0121             % dist = dist + power((abs(repmat(p1(:,i), [1 n2]) - ...
0122             %     repmat(p2(:,i)', [n1 1]))), norm);
0123             dist = dist + power(abs(bsxfun(@minus, p1(:,i), p2(:, i)')), norm);
0124         end
0125         dist = power(dist, 1/norm);
0126     end
0127 end

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