Home > matGeom > geom2d > minDistancePoints.m



Minimal distance between several points.


function varargout = minDistancePoints(p1, varargin)


 Minimal distance between several points.

   DIST = minDistancePoints(PTS)
   Returns the minimum distance between all pairs of points in PTS. PTS
   is a N-by-D array of values, N being the number of points and D the
   dimension of the points.

   DIST = minDistancePoints(PTS1, PTS2)
   Computes for each point in PTS1 the minimal distance to every point of
   PTS2. PTS1 and PTS2 are N-by-D arrays, where N is the number of points,
   and D is the dimension. Dimension must be the same for both arrays, but
   number of points can be different.
   The result is an array the same length as PTS1.

   DIST = minDistancePoints(..., NORM)
   Uses a user-specified norm. NORM=2 means euclidean norm (the default), 
   NORM=1 is the Manhattan (or "taxi-driver") distance.
   Increasing NORM growing up reduces the minimal distance, with a limit
   to the biggest coordinate difference among dimensions. 

   [DIST, I, J] = minDistancePoints(PTS)
   Returns indices I and J of the 2 points which are the closest. DIST
   verifies relation:
   DIST = distancePoints(PTS(I,:), PTS(J,:));

   [DIST, J] = minDistancePoints(PTS1, PTS2, ...)
   Also returns the indices of points which are the closest. J has the
   same size as DIST. It verifies relation: 
   DIST(I) = distancePoints(PTS1(I,:), PTS2(J,:));
   for I comprised between 1 and the number of rows in PTS1.

   % minimal distance between random planar points
       points = rand(20,2)*100;
       minDist = minDistancePoints(points);

   % minimal distance between random space points
       points = rand(30,3)*100;
       [minDist ind1 ind2] = minDistancePoints(points);
       distancePoints(points(ind1, :), points(ind2, :))
   % results should be the same

   % minimal distance between 2 sets of points
       points1 = rand(30,2)*100;
       points2 = rand(30,2)*100;
       [minDists inds] = minDistancePoints(points1, points2);
       distancePoints(points1(10, :), points2(inds(10), :))
   % results should be the same
   % Find the (approximated) orthogonal projection onto an ellipse
     elli = [50 50 40 20 30];
     poly = ellipseToPolygon(elli, 200);
     figure; axis equal; axis([0 100 0 100]); hold on;
     drawPolygon(poly, 'k')
     pts = [20 20; 50 20; 80 30];
     [dists, inds] = minDistancePoints(pts, poly);
     drawPoint(pts, 'bo');
     drawPoint(poly(inds,:), 'ko');
     drawEdge([pts poly(inds,:)], 'k')

   See Also
     points2d, distancePoints, nndist, findClosestPoint, hausdorffDistance


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function varargout = minDistancePoints(p1, varargin)
0002 % Minimal distance between several points.
0003 %
0004 %   DIST = minDistancePoints(PTS)
0005 %   Returns the minimum distance between all pairs of points in PTS. PTS
0006 %   is a N-by-D array of values, N being the number of points and D the
0007 %   dimension of the points.
0008 %
0009 %   DIST = minDistancePoints(PTS1, PTS2)
0010 %   Computes for each point in PTS1 the minimal distance to every point of
0011 %   PTS2. PTS1 and PTS2 are N-by-D arrays, where N is the number of points,
0012 %   and D is the dimension. Dimension must be the same for both arrays, but
0013 %   number of points can be different.
0014 %   The result is an array the same length as PTS1.
0015 %
0016 %
0017 %   DIST = minDistancePoints(..., NORM)
0018 %   Uses a user-specified norm. NORM=2 means euclidean norm (the default),
0019 %   NORM=1 is the Manhattan (or "taxi-driver") distance.
0020 %   Increasing NORM growing up reduces the minimal distance, with a limit
0021 %   to the biggest coordinate difference among dimensions.
0022 %
0023 %
0024 %   [DIST, I, J] = minDistancePoints(PTS)
0025 %   Returns indices I and J of the 2 points which are the closest. DIST
0026 %   verifies relation:
0027 %   DIST = distancePoints(PTS(I,:), PTS(J,:));
0028 %
0029 %   [DIST, J] = minDistancePoints(PTS1, PTS2, ...)
0030 %   Also returns the indices of points which are the closest. J has the
0031 %   same size as DIST. It verifies relation:
0032 %   DIST(I) = distancePoints(PTS1(I,:), PTS2(J,:));
0033 %   for I comprised between 1 and the number of rows in PTS1.
0034 %
0035 %
0036 %   Examples:
0037 %   % minimal distance between random planar points
0038 %       points = rand(20,2)*100;
0039 %       minDist = minDistancePoints(points);
0040 %
0041 %   % minimal distance between random space points
0042 %       points = rand(30,3)*100;
0043 %       [minDist ind1 ind2] = minDistancePoints(points);
0044 %       minDist
0045 %       distancePoints(points(ind1, :), points(ind2, :))
0046 %   % results should be the same
0047 %
0048 %   % minimal distance between 2 sets of points
0049 %       points1 = rand(30,2)*100;
0050 %       points2 = rand(30,2)*100;
0051 %       [minDists inds] = minDistancePoints(points1, points2);
0052 %       minDists(10)
0053 %       distancePoints(points1(10, :), points2(inds(10), :))
0054 %   % results should be the same
0055 %
0056 %   % Find the (approximated) orthogonal projection onto an ellipse
0057 %     elli = [50 50 40 20 30];
0058 %     poly = ellipseToPolygon(elli, 200);
0059 %     figure; axis equal; axis([0 100 0 100]); hold on;
0060 %     drawPolygon(poly, 'k')
0061 %     pts = [20 20; 50 20; 80 30];
0062 %     [dists, inds] = minDistancePoints(pts, poly);
0063 %     drawPoint(pts, 'bo');
0064 %     drawPoint(poly(inds,:), 'ko');
0065 %     drawEdge([pts poly(inds,:)], 'k')
0066 %
0067 %
0068 %   See Also
0069 %     points2d, distancePoints, nndist, findClosestPoint, hausdorffDistance
0070 %
0072 % ------
0073 % Author: David Legland
0074 % e-mail: david.legland@inrae.fr
0075 % Copyright 2009 INRAE - Cepia Software Platform.
0076 % created the 15/06/2004.
0079 % HISTORY:
0080 % 22/06/2005 compute sqrt only at the end (faster), and change behaviour
0081 %   for 2 inputs: compute min distance for each point in PTS1.
0082 %   Also add support for different norms.
0083 % 15/08/2005 make difference when 1 array or 2 arrays of points
0084 % 25/10/2006 also returns indices of closest points
0085 % 30/10/2006 generalize to points of any dimension
0086 % 28/08/2007 code cleanup, add comments and help
0087 % 01/02/2017 complete re-write by JuanPi Carbajal
0088 % 01/02/2017 fix bugs, update code, fix MLInt Warning (D. Legland)
0089 % 01/02/2017 remove use of vech
0092 %% Initialisations
0094 % default norm (euclidean)
0095 n = 2;
0097 % a single array is given
0098 one_array = true;
0100 % process input variables
0101 if nargin == 1
0102     % specify only one array of points, not the norm
0103     p2 = p1;
0104 elseif nargin == 2
0105     if isscalar (varargin{1})
0106         % specify array of points and the norm
0107         n   = varargin{1};
0108         p2  = p1;
0109     else
0110         % specify two arrays of points
0111         p2  = varargin{1};
0112         one_array = false;
0113     end
0114 elseif nargin == 3
0115     % specify two array of points and the norm
0116     p2        = varargin{1};
0117     n         = varargin{2};
0118     one_array = false;
0119 else
0120     error ('Wrong number of input arguments');
0121 end
0123 % number of points in each array
0124 n1  = size (p1, 1);
0125 n2  = size (p2, 1);
0127 % dimensionality of points
0128 d   = size (p1, 2);
0131 %% Computation of distances
0133 % allocate memory
0134 dist = zeros (n1, n2);
0136 % Compute difference of coordinate for each pair of point (n1-by-n2 array)
0137 % and for each dimension. -> dist is a n1-by-n2 array.
0138 % in 2D: dist = dx.*dx + dy.*dy;
0139 if n == inf
0140     % infinite norm corresponds to maximum absolute value of differences
0141     % in 2D: dist = max(abs(dx) + max(abs(dy));
0142     for i = 1:d
0143         dist = max (dist, abs(bsxfun (@minus, p1(:,i), p2(:,i).')));
0144     end
0145 else
0146     for i = 1:d
0147         dist = dist + abs (bsxfun (@minus, p1(:,i), p2(:,i).')).^n;
0148     end
0149 end
0150 % TODO the previous could be optimized when a single array  is given (maybe!)
0152 if ~one_array
0153     % If two array of points where given
0154     [minSqDist, ind]    = min (dist, [], 2);
0155     minDist             = power (minSqDist, 1/n);
0156     [ind2, ind1]        = ind2sub ([n1 n2], ind);
0158 else
0159     % A single array was given
0160     dist                = dist + diag (inf (n1,1)); % remove zeros from diagonal
0161     dist                = dist (tril(true(n1, n1)));
0162     [minSqDist, ind]    = min (dist); % index on packed lower triangular matrix
0163     minDist             = power (minSqDist, 1/n);
0165     [ind2, ind1]        = ind2sub_tril (n1, ind);
0166     ind2 = ind2(1);
0167     ind1 = ind1(1);
0168     ind                 = sub2ind ([n1 n1], ind2, ind1);
0169 end
0172 %% format output parameters
0174 % format output depending on number of asked parameters
0175 if nargout <= 1
0176     varargout{1} = minDist;
0178 elseif nargout == 2
0179     % If two arrays are asked, 'ind' is an array of indices of p2, one for each
0180     % point in p1, corresponding to the result in minDist
0181     varargout{1} = minDist;
0182     varargout{2} = ind;
0184 elseif nargout == 3
0185     % If only one array is asked, minDist is a scalar, ind1 and ind2 are 2
0186     % indices corresponding to the closest points.
0187     varargout{1} = minDist;
0188     varargout{2} = ind1;
0189     varargout{3} = ind2;
0190 end
0192 end
0194 function [r, c] = ind2sub_tril (N, idx)
0195 % [r, c] = ind2sub_tril (N, idx)
0196 % Convert a linear index to subscripts of a trinagular matrix.
0197 %
0198 % An example of triangular matrix linearly indexed follows
0199 %
0200 %          N = 4;
0201 %          A = -repmat (1:N,N,1);
0202 %          A = [A repmat (diagind, N,1) - A.'];
0203 %          A = tril(A)
0204 %          => A =
0205 %              1    0    0    0
0206 %              2    5    0    0
0207 %              3    6    8    0
0208 %              4    7    9   10
0209 %
0210 % The following example shows how to convert the linear index `6' in
0211 % the 4-by-4 matrix of the example into a subscript.
0212 %
0213 %          [r, c] = ind2sub_tril (4, 6)
0214 %          => r =  3
0215 %            c =  2
0216 %
0217 % when idx is a row or column matrix of linear indeces then r and
0218 % c have the same shape as idx.
0219 %
0220 % See also
0221 %   ind2sub
0223 endofrow = 0.5 * (1:N) .* (2*N:-1:N + 1);
0224 c = zeros(size(endofrow));
0225 for i = 1:length(endofrow)
0226     ind = find(endofrow <= idx - 1, 1, 'last') + 1;
0227     if isempty(ind) 
0228         ind = 1;
0229     end
0230     c(i) = ind;
0231 % c        = lookup (endofrow, idx - 1) + 1;
0232 end
0233 r        = N - endofrow(c) + idx ;
0235 end

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