Home > matGeom > polygons2d > cart2geod.m



CART2GEOD Convert cartesian coordinates to geodesic coord.


function point = cart2geod(src, curve)


CART2GEOD Convert cartesian coordinates to geodesic coord.

   PT2 = cart2geod(PT1, CURVE)
   PT1 is the point to transform, in Cartesian coordinates (same system
   used for the curve).
   CURVE is a N-by-2 array which represents coordinates of curve vertices.

   The function first compute the projection of PT1 on the curve. Then,
   the first geodesic coordinate is the length of the curve to the
   projected point, and the second geodesic coordinate is the 
   distance between PT1 and it projection.

   TODO : add processing of points not projected on the curve.
   -> use the closest end 

   See also
   polylines2d, geod2cart, curveLength


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function point = cart2geod(src, curve)
0002 %CART2GEOD Convert cartesian coordinates to geodesic coord.
0003 %
0004 %   PT2 = cart2geod(PT1, CURVE)
0005 %   PT1 is the point to transform, in Cartesian coordinates (same system
0006 %   used for the curve).
0007 %   CURVE is a N-by-2 array which represents coordinates of curve vertices.
0008 %
0009 %   The function first compute the projection of PT1 on the curve. Then,
0010 %   the first geodesic coordinate is the length of the curve to the
0011 %   projected point, and the second geodesic coordinate is the
0012 %   distance between PT1 and it projection.
0013 %
0014 %
0015 %   TODO : add processing of points not projected on the curve.
0016 %   -> use the closest end
0017 %
0018 %   See also
0019 %   polylines2d, geod2cart, curveLength
0020 %
0022 % ---------
0023 % Author: David Legland
0024 % e-mail: david.legland@grignon.inra.fr
0025 % created the 08/04/2004.
0026 % Copyright 2010 INRA - Cepia Software Platform.
0028 %   HISTORY
0029 %   15/02/2007 replace minDistance by minDistancePoints
0032 % parametrization approximation
0033 t = parametrize(curve);
0035 % compute distance between each src point and the curve
0036 [dist, ind] = minDistancePoints(src, curve);
0038 % convert to 'geodesic' coordinate
0039 point = [t(ind) dist];
0041 % Old version:
0042 % for i=1:size(pt1, 1)
0043 %     [dist, ind] = minDistance(src(i,:), curve);
0044 %     point(i,:) = [t(ind) dist];
0045 % end

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