Home > matGeom > geom2d > intersectLineEdge.m



INTERSECTLINEEDGE Return intersection between a line and an edge.


function point = intersectLineEdge(line, edge, varargin)


INTERSECTLINEEDGE Return intersection between a line and an edge.

   P = intersectLineEdge(LINE, EDGE);
   returns the intersection point of lines LINE and edge EDGE. 
   LINE is a 1-by-4 array containing parametric representation of the line
   (in the form [x0 y0 dx dy], see 'createLine' for details). 
   EDGE is a 1-by-4 array containing the coordinates of first and second
   points (in the form [x1 y1 x2 y2], see 'createEdge' for details). 
   In case of colinear line and edge, returns [Inf Inf].
   If line does not intersect edge, returns [NaN NaN].

   If each input is N-by-4 array, the result is a N-by-2 array containing
   intersections for each couple of edge and line.
   If one of the input has N rows and the other 1 row, the result is a
   N-by-2 array.

   P = intersectLineEdge(LINE, EDGE, TOL);
   Specifies the tolerance option for determining if a point belongs to an
   edge and if lines are parallel.

   See also:
   lines2d, edges2d, intersectEdges, intersectLines


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function point = intersectLineEdge(line, edge, varargin)
0002 %INTERSECTLINEEDGE Return intersection between a line and an edge.
0003 %
0004 %   P = intersectLineEdge(LINE, EDGE);
0005 %   returns the intersection point of lines LINE and edge EDGE.
0006 %   LINE is a 1-by-4 array containing parametric representation of the line
0007 %   (in the form [x0 y0 dx dy], see 'createLine' for details).
0008 %   EDGE is a 1-by-4 array containing the coordinates of first and second
0009 %   points (in the form [x1 y1 x2 y2], see 'createEdge' for details).
0010 %
0011 %   In case of colinear line and edge, returns [Inf Inf].
0012 %   If line does not intersect edge, returns [NaN NaN].
0013 %
0014 %   If each input is N-by-4 array, the result is a N-by-2 array containing
0015 %   intersections for each couple of edge and line.
0016 %   If one of the input has N rows and the other 1 row, the result is a
0017 %   N-by-2 array.
0018 %
0019 %   P = intersectLineEdge(LINE, EDGE, TOL);
0020 %   Specifies the tolerance option for determining if a point belongs to an
0021 %   edge and if lines are parallel.
0022 %
0023 %   See also:
0024 %   lines2d, edges2d, intersectEdges, intersectLines
0025 %
0027 %   ---------
0028 %   author : David Legland
0030 %   created the 31/10/2003.
0031 %
0033 %   HISTORY
0034 %   19/02/2004: add support for multiple lines.
0035 %   08/03/2007: update doc
0037 % extract tolerance option
0038 tol = 1e-14;
0039 if ~isempty(varargin)
0040     tol = varargin{1};
0041 end
0043 % number of lines and edges
0044 nLines = size(line, 1);
0045 nEdges = size(edge, 1);
0047 % origin and direction vector of lines
0048 lx0 = line(:,1);
0049 ly0 = line(:,2);
0050 ldx = line(:,3);
0051 ldy = line(:,4);
0053 % origin and direction vector of edges
0054 ex1 = edge(:,1);
0055 ey1 = edge(:,2);
0056 ex2 = edge(:,3);
0057 ey2 = edge(:,4);
0058 edx = ex2 - ex1;
0059 edy = ey2 - ey1;
0061 % normalizes direction vectors
0062 ldn = hypot(ldx, ldy);
0063 ldx = ldx ./ ldn;
0064 ldy = ldy ./ ldn;
0066 % normalizes direction vectors
0067 edgeLength = hypot(edx, edy);
0068 edx = edx ./ edgeLength;
0069 edy = edy ./ edgeLength;
0071 % indices of parallel lines
0072 par = abs(ldx .* edy - edx .* ldy) < tol;
0074 % indices of colinear lines
0075 col = abs((ex1-lx0) .* ldy - (ey1-ly0) .* ldx) < tol & par ;
0077 xi(col) = Inf;
0078 yi(col) = Inf;
0079 xi(par & ~col) = NaN;
0080 yi(par & ~col) = NaN;
0082 i = ~par;
0084 % compute intersection points
0085 if nLines == nEdges
0086     xi(i) = ((ey1(i)-ly0(i)).*ldx(i).*edx(i) + lx0(i).*ldy(i).*edx(i) - ex1(i).*edy(i).*ldx(i)) ./ ...
0087         (edx(i).*ldy(i)-ldx(i).*edy(i)) ;
0088     yi(i) = ((ex1(i)-lx0(i)).*ldy(i).*edy(i) + ly0(i).*ldx(i).*edy(i) - ey1(i).*edx(i).*ldy(i)) ./ ...
0089         (ldx(i).*edy(i)-edx(i).*ldy(i)) ;
0090 elseif nLines == 1
0091     xi(i) = ((ey1(i)-ly0).*ldx.*edx(i) + lx0.*ldy.*edx(i) - ex1(i).*edy(i).*ldx) ./ ...
0092         (edx(i).*ldy-ldx.*edy(i)) ;
0093     yi(i) = ((ex1(i)-lx0).*ldy.*edy(i) + ly0.*ldx.*edy(i) - ey1(i).*edx(i).*ldy) ./ ...
0094         (ldx.*edy(i)-edx(i).*ldy) ;
0095 elseif nEdges == 1
0096     xi(i) = ((ey1-ly0(i)).*ldx(i).*edx + lx0(i).*ldy(i).*edx - ex1(i).*edy.*ldx(i)) ./ ...
0097         (edx.*ldy(i)-ldx(i).*edy) ;
0098     yi(i) = ((ex1-lx0(i)).*ldy(i).*edy + ly0(i).*ldx(i).*edy - ey1(i).*edx.*ldy(i)) ./ ...
0099         (ldx(i).*edy-edx.*ldy(i)) ;
0100 end
0102 % format output arguments
0103 point   = [xi' yi'];
0105 % compute position of points projected on the supporting line, by using
0106 % dot product and normalising by edge length
0107 pos = bsxfun(@rdivide, ...
0108     bsxfun(@times, bsxfun(@minus, xi, ex1), edx) + ...
0109     bsxfun(@times, bsxfun(@minus, yi, ey1), edy), edgeLength);
0111 % set coordinates of points outside edge to NaN
0112 out = pos < -tol | pos > (1+tol);
0113 point(out, :) = NaN;

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