FITPLANE Fit a 3D plane to a set of points. PLANE = fitPlane(POINTS) Example pts = randn(300, 3); pts = transformPoint3d(pts, createScaling3d([6 4 2])); pts = transformPoint3d(pts, createRotationOx(pi/6)); pts = transformPoint3d(pts, createRotationOy(pi/4)); pts = transformPoint3d(pts, createRotationOz(pi/3)); pts = transformPoint3d(pts, createTranslation3d([5 4 3])); elli = equivalentEllipsoid(pts); figure; drawPoint3d(pts); axis equal; hold on; drawEllipsoid(elli, ... 'drawEllipses', true, 'EllipseColor', 'b', 'EllipseWidth', 3); plane = fitPlane(pts); drawPlane3d(plane, 'm'); See also planes3d, equivalentEllipsoid, fitLine3d
0001 function plane = fitPlane(points) 0002 %FITPLANE Fit a 3D plane to a set of points. 0003 % 0004 % PLANE = fitPlane(POINTS) 0005 % 0006 % Example 0007 % pts = randn(300, 3); 0008 % pts = transformPoint3d(pts, createScaling3d([6 4 2])); 0009 % pts = transformPoint3d(pts, createRotationOx(pi/6)); 0010 % pts = transformPoint3d(pts, createRotationOy(pi/4)); 0011 % pts = transformPoint3d(pts, createRotationOz(pi/3)); 0012 % pts = transformPoint3d(pts, createTranslation3d([5 4 3])); 0013 % elli = equivalentEllipsoid(pts); 0014 % figure; drawPoint3d(pts); axis equal; 0015 % hold on; drawEllipsoid(elli, ... 0016 % 'drawEllipses', true, 'EllipseColor', 'b', 'EllipseWidth', 3); 0017 % plane = fitPlane(pts); 0018 % drawPlane3d(plane, 'm'); 0019 % 0020 % See also 0021 % planes3d, equivalentEllipsoid, fitLine3d 0022 % 0023 0024 % ------ 0025 % Author: David Legland 0026 % E-mail: 0027 % Created: 2012-11-11, using Matlab (R2009b) 0028 % Copyright 2012-2024 INRA - Cepia Software Platform 0029 0030 % number of points 0031 n = size(points, 1); 0032 0033 % compute centroid 0034 center = mean(points); 0035 0036 % compute the covariance matrix 0037 covPts = cov(points)/n; 0038 0039 % perform a principal component analysis with 2 variables, 0040 % to extract inertia axes 0041 [U, S] = svd(covPts); 0042 0043 % sort axes from greater to lower 0044 [dummy, ind] = sort(diag(S), 'descend'); %#ok<ASGLU> 0045 0046 % format U to ensure first axis points to positive x direction 0047 U = U(ind, :); 0048 if U(1,1) < 0 0049 U = -U; 0050 % keep matrix determinant positive 0051 U(:,3) = -U(:,3); 0052 end 0053 0054 plane = [center U(:,1)' U(:,2)'];