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Index for matGeom\geom3d

Matlab files in this directory:

 ContentsGEOM3D Geometry 3D Toolbox
 anglePoints3dANGLEPOINTS3D Compute angle between three 3D points.
 angleSort3dANGLESORT3D Sort 3D coplanar points according to their angles in plane.
 angles3dANGLES3D Conventions for manipulating angles in 3D.
 boundingBox3dBOUNDINGBOX3D Bounding box of a set of 3D points.
 box3dVolumeBOX3DVOLUME Volume of a 3-dimensional box.
 boxes3dBOXES3D Description of functions operating on 3D boxes.
 cart2cylCART2CYL Convert cartesian to cylindrical coordinates.
 cart2sph2CART2SPH2 Convert cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates.
 cart2sph2dCART2SPH2D Convert cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates in degrees.
 circle3dOriginCIRCLE3DORIGIN Return the first point of a 3D circle.
 circle3dPointCIRCLE3DPOINT Coordinates of a point on a 3D circle from its position.
 circle3dPositionCIRCLE3DPOSITION Return the angular position of a point on a 3D circle.
 circles3dDescription of functions operating on 3D circles.
 clipConvexPolygon3dHPCLIPCONVEXPOLYGON3DHP Clip a convex 3D polygon with Half-space.
 clipEdge3dCLIPEDGE3D Clip a 3D edge with a cuboid box.
 clipLine3dCLIPLINE3D Clip a line with a box and return an edge.
 clipPlaneCompute the 3D polygon representing a clipped plane.
 clipPoints3dCLIPPOINTS3D Clip a set of points by a box or other 3d shapes.
 clipPolygon3dHPCLIPPOLYGON3DHP clip a 3D polygon with Half-space.
 clipRay3dClip a 3D ray with a box and return a 3D edge.
 composeTransforms3dCOMPOSETRANSFORMS3D Concatenate several space transformations.
 createBasisTransform3dCREATEBASISTRANSFORM3D Compute matrix for transforming a basis into another basis.
 createEdge3dCREATEEDGE3D Create an edge between two 3D points, or from a 3D line.
 createLine3dCREATELINE3D Create a line with various inputs.
 createPlaneCREATEPLANE Create a plane in parametrized form.
 createRay3dCreate a 3D ray.
 createRotation3dLineAngleCREATEROTATION3DLINEANGLE Create rotation around a line by an angle theta.
 createRotationAboutPoint3dCREATEROTATIONABOUTPOINT3D Rotate about a point using a rotation matrix.
 createRotationOxCREATEROTATIONOX Create the 4x4 matrix of a 3D rotation around x-axis.
 createRotationOyCREATEROTATIONOY Create the 4x4 matrix of a 3D rotation around y-axis.
 createRotationOzCREATEROTATIONOZ Create the 4x4 matrix of a 3D rotation around z-axis.
 createRotationVector3dCREATEROTATIONVECTOR3D Calculates the rotation between two vectors.
 createRotationVectorPoint3dCREATEROTATIONVECTORPOINT3D Calculates the rotation between two vectors.
 createScaling3dCREATESCALING3D Create the 4x4 matrix of a 3D scaling.
 createSphereCREATESPHERE Create a sphere containing 4 points.
 createTranslation3dCREATETRANSLATION3D Create the 4x4 matrix of a 3D translation.
 crossProduct3dCROSSPRODUCT3D Vector cross product faster than inbuilt MATLAB cross.
 cyl2cartCYL2CART Convert cylindrical to cartesian coordinates.
 cylinderSurfaceAreaCYLINDERSURFACEAREA Surface area of a cylinder.
 dihedralAngleDIHEDRALANGLE Compute dihedral angle between 2 planes.
 distanceLines3dDISTANCELINES3D Minimal distance between two 3D lines.
 distancePointEdge3dDISTANCEPOINTEDGE3D Minimum distance between a 3D point and a 3D edge.
 distancePointLine3dDISTANCEPOINTLINE3D Euclidean distance between 3D point and line.
 distancePointPlaneDISTANCEPOINTPLANE Signed distance betwen 3D point and plane.
 distancePointTriangle3dDISTANCEPOINTTRIANGLE3D Minimum distance between a 3D point and a 3D triangle.
 distancePoints3dDISTANCEPOINTS3D Compute euclidean distance between pairs of 3D Points.
 drawAngleBetweenVectors3dDRAWANGLEBETWEENVECTORS3D Draw an arc between 2 vectors.
 drawArrow3dDRAWARROW3D plot a quiver of 3D arrows.
 drawAxis3dDRAWAXIS3D Draw a coordinate system and an origin.
 drawAxisCubeDRAWAXISCUBE Draw a colored cube representing axis orientation.
 drawBox3dDraw a 3D box defined by coordinate extents.
 drawCapsuleDraw a capsule.
 drawCircle3dDraw a 3D circle.
 drawCircleArc3dDraw a 3D circle arc.
 drawCubeDraw a 3D centered cube, eventually rotated.
 drawCuboidDraw a 3D cuboid, eventually rotated.
 drawCylinderDraw a cylinder.
 drawDomeDRAWDOME Draw a dome (half-sphere, semi-sphere) as a mesh.
 drawEdge3dDRAWEDGE3D Draw 3D edge in the current axes.
 drawEllipse3dDRAWELLIPSE3D Draw a 3D ellipse.
 drawEllipseCylinderDRAWELLIPSECYLINDER Draw a cylinder with ellipse cross-section.
 drawEllipsoidDRAWELLIPSOID Draw a 3D ellipsoid.
 drawGrid3dDRAWGRID3D Draw a 3D grid on the current axis.
 drawLabels3dDRAWLABELS3D Draw text labels at specified 3D positions.
 drawLine3dDRAWLINE3D Draw a 3D line clipped by the current axes.
 drawPartialPatchDRAWPARTIALPATCH draw surface patch, with 2 parametrized surfaces.
 drawPlane3dDraw a plane clipped by the current axes.
 drawPlatformDRAWPLATFORM Draw a rectangular platform with a given size.
 drawPoint3dDRAWPOINT3D Draw 3D point on the current axis.
 drawPolygon3dDRAWPOLYGON3D Draw a 3D polygon specified by a list of vertex coords.
 drawPolyline3dDRAWPOLYLINE3D Draw a 3D polyline specified by a list of vertex coords.
 drawRay3dDraw a 3D ray on the current axis.
 drawSphereDRAWSPHERE Draw a sphere as a mesh.
 drawSphericalEdgeDRAWSPHERICALEDGE Draw an edge on the surface of a sphere.
 drawSphericalPolygonDRAWSPHERICALPOLYGON Draw a spherical polygon.
 drawSphericalTriangleDRAWSPHERICALTRIANGLE Draw a triangle on a sphere.
 drawSurfPatchDRAWSURFPATCH Draw a 3D surface patch, with 2 parametrized surfaces.
 drawTorusDRAWTORUS Draw a torus (3D ring).
 drawVector3dDRAWVECTOR3D Draw vector at a given position.
 edgeLength3dEDGELENGTH3D Return the length of a 3D edge.
 edgeToLine3dEDGETOLINE3D Convert a 3D edge to a 3D straight line.
 edges3dEDGES3D Description of functions operating on 3D edges.
 ellipsoidSurfaceAreaELLIPSOIDSURFACEAREA Approximated surface area of an ellipsoid.
 equivalentEllipsoidEquivalent ellipsoid of a set of 3D points.
 eulerAnglesToRotation3dEULERANGLESTOROTATION3D Convert 3D Euler angles to 3D rotation matrix.
 fillPolygon3dFILLPOLYGON3D Fill a 3D polygon specified by a list of vertex coords.
 fillSphericalPolygonFILLSPHERICALPOLYGON Fill a spherical polygon.
 fillSphericalTriangleFILLSPHERICALTRIANGLE Fill a triangle on a sphere.
 fitAffineTransform3dCompute the affine transform that best register two 3D point sets.
 fitCircle3dFITCIRCLE3D Fit a 3D circle to a set of points.
 fitEllipse3dFITELLIPSE3D Fit an ellipse to a set of points.
 fitLine3dFITLINE3D Fit a 3D line to a set of points.
 fitPlaneFITPLANE Fit a 3D plane to a set of points.
 fitSphereFITSPHERE Fit a sphere to 3D points using the least squares approach.
 geodesicCylinderGEODESICCYLINDER computes the geodesic between two points on a cylinder.
 hypot3HYPOT3 Diagonal length of a cuboidal 3D box .
 intersectBoxes3dINTERSECTBOXES3D Intersection of two 3D bounding boxes.
 intersectEdgePlaneINTERSECTEDGEPLANE Return intersection point between a plane and a edge.
 intersectEdgePolygon3dIntersection point of a 3D EDGE segment and a 3D polygon.
 intersectLineCylinderINTERSECTLINECYLINDER Compute intersection points between a line and a cylinder.
 intersectLinePlaneINTERSECTLINEPLANE Intersection point between a 3D line and a plane.
 intersectLinePolygon3dINTERSECTLINEPOLYGON3D Intersection point of a 3D line and a 3D polygon.
 intersectLineSphereINTERSECTLINESPHERE Return intersection points between a line and a sphere.
 intersectLineTriangle3dINTERSECTLINETRIANGLE3D Intersection point of a 3D line and a 3D triangle.
 intersectPlaneSphereINTERSECTPLANESPHERE Return intersection circle between a plane and a sphere.
 intersectPlanesINTERSECTPLANES Return intersection line between 2 planes in space.
 intersectRayPolygon3dINTERSECTRAYPOLYGON3D Intersection point of a 3D ray and a 3D polygon.
 intersectThreePlanesINTERSECTTHREEPLANES Return intersection point between 3 planes in space.
 isBelowPlaneISBELOWPLANE Test whether a point is below or above a plane.
 isCoplanarISCOPLANAR Tests input points for coplanarity in 3-space.
 isParallel3dISPARALLEL3D Check parallelism of two 3D vectors.
 isPerpendicular3dISPERPENDICULAR3D Check orthogonality of two 3D vectors.
 isPlaneISPLANE Check if input is a plane.
 isPointInEllipsoidCheck if a point is located inside a 3D ellipsoid.
 isPointOnEdge3dTest if a 3D point belongs to an edge.
 isPointOnLine3dISPOINTONLINE3D Test if a 3D point belongs to a 3D line.
 isTransform3dISTRANSFORM3D Check if input is a affine transformation matrix.
 linePosition3dReturn the position of a 3D point projected on a 3D line.
 lineToEdge3dLINETOEDGE3D Convert a 3D straight line to a 3D finite edge.
 lines3dLINES3D Description of functions operating on 3D lines.
 medianPlaneMEDIANPLANE Create a plane in the middle of 2 points.
 mergeBoxes3dMERGEBOXES3D Merge 3D boxes, by computing their greatest extent.
 midPoint3dMIDPOINT3D Middle point of two 3D points or of a 3D edge.
 normalizeLine3dNORMALIZELINE3D Normalizes the direction vector of a 3D line.
 normalizePlaneNORMALIZEPLANE Normalize parametric representation of a plane.
 normalizeVector3dNORMALIZEVECTOR3D Normalize a 3D vector to have norm equal to 1.
 oblateSurfaceAreaOBLATESURFACEAREA Approximated surface area of an oblate ellipsoid.
 orientedBox3dObject-oriented bounding box of a set of 3D points.
 parallelLine3dPARALLELLINE3D Create 3D line parallel to another one.
 parallelPlanePARALLELPLANE Parallel to a plane through a point or at a given distance.
 planeNormalPLANENORMAL Compute the normal to a plane.
 planePointPLANEPOINT Compute 3D position of a point in a plane.
 planePositionPLANEPOSITION Compute position of a point on a plane.
 planes3dPLANES3D Description of functions operating on 3D planes.
 planesBisectorPLANESBISECTOR Bisector plane between two other planes.
 points3dPOINTS3D Description of functions operating on 3D points.
 polygon3dNormalAnglePOLYGON3DNORMALANGLE Normal angle at a vertex of the 3D polygon.
 polygonArea3dPOLYGONAREA3D Area of a 3D polygon.
 polygonCentroid3dPOLYGONCENTROID3D Centroid (or center of mass) of a polygon.
 polygons3dPOLYGONS3D Description of functions operating on 3D polygons.
 projLineOnPlanePROJLINEONPLANE Return the orthogonal projection of a line on a plane.
 projPointOnCircle3dPROJPOINTONCIRCLE3D Project a 3D point onto a 3D circle.
 projPointOnCylinderPROJPOINTONCYLINDER Project a 3D point onto a cylinder.
 projPointOnLine3dPROJPOINTONLINE3D Project a 3D point orthogonally onto a 3D line.
 projPointOnPlanePROJPOINTONPLANE Return the orthogonal projection of a point on a plane.
 prolateSurfaceAreaPROLATESURFACEAREA Approximated surface area of a prolate ellipsoid.
 randomAngle3dRANDOMANGLE3D Return a 3D angle uniformly distributed on unit sphere.
 randomPointInBox3dRANDOMPOINTINBOX3D Generate random point(s) within a 3D box.
 recenterTransform3dRECENTERTRANSFORM3D Change the fixed point of an affine 3D transform.
 registerPoints3dAffineFit 3D affine transform using iterative algorithm.
 reverseLine3dREVERSELINE3D Return same 3D line but with opposite orientation.
 reversePlaneREVERSEPLANE Return same 3D plane but with opposite orientation.
 revolutionSurfaceREVOLUTIONSURFACE Create a surface of revolution from a planar curve.
 rotation3dAxisAndAngleROTATION3DAXISANDANGLE Determine axis and angle of a 3D rotation matrix.
 rotation3dToEulerAnglesROTATION3DTOEULERANGLES Extract Euler angles from a rotation matrix.
 sph2cart2SPH2CART2 Convert spherical coordinates to cartesian coordinates.
 sph2cart2dSPH2CART2D Convert spherical coordinates to cartesian coordinates in degrees.
 spheresSPHERES Description of functions operating on 3D spheres.
 sphericalAngleSPHERICALANGLE Compute angle between points on the sphere.
 sphericalVoronoiDomainSPHERICALVORONOIDOMAIN Compute a spherical voronoi domain.
 surfaceCurvatureSURFACECURVATURE Curvature on a surface from angle and principal curvatures.
 transformLine3dTRANSFORMLINE3D Transform a 3D line with a 3D affine transform.
 transformPlane3dTRANSFORMPLANE3D Transform a 3D plane with a 3D affine transform.
 transformPoint3dTRANSFORMPOINT3D Transform a point with a 3D affine transform.
 transformVector3dTRANSFORMVECTOR3D Transform a vector with a 3D affine transform.
 transforms3dTRANSFORMS3D Conventions for manipulating 3D affine transforms.
 triangleArea3dTRIANGLEAREA3D Area of a 3D triangle.
 vectorAngle3dVECTORANGLE3D Angle between two 3D vectors.
 vectorCross3dVECTORCROSS3D Vector cross product faster than inbuilt MATLAB cross.
 vectorNorm3dVECTORNORM3D Norm of a 3D vector or of set of 3D vectors.
 vectors3dVECTORS3D Description of functions operating on 3D vectors.

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