GEODESICCYLINDER Computes the geodesic between two points on a cylinder. [GEO, GEOLENGTH] = geodesicCylinder(PTS, CYL) computes the geodesic between the two points PTS projected onto the infinite cylinder CYL. PTS is a 2-by-3 array, and CYL is a 1-by-7 array. Result is the polyline GEO (500-by-3 array) [500 = default] containing the coordinates of the geodesic between two projected points. GEOLENGTH contains the analytical length of the geodesic. [~, ~, CONGEO, CONGEOLENGTH] = geodesicCylinder(PTS, CYL) provides the conjugate geodesic and its analytical length. ... = geodesicCylinder(PTS, CYL, 'n', N) defines the number of points representing the geodesic and conjugate geodesic. Example demoGeodesicCylinder See also drawCylinder, projPointOnCylinder Source Based on the script 'geodesic.m' by Lei Wang
0001 function [geo, geoLength, conGeo, conGeoLength] = geodesicCylinder(pts, cyl, varargin) 0002 %GEODESICCYLINDER Computes the geodesic between two points on a cylinder. 0003 % 0004 % [GEO, GEOLENGTH] = geodesicCylinder(PTS, CYL) computes the geodesic 0005 % between the two points PTS projected onto the infinite cylinder CYL. 0006 % PTS is a 2-by-3 array, and CYL is a 1-by-7 array. Result is the 0007 % polyline GEO (500-by-3 array) [500 = default] containing the 0008 % coordinates of the geodesic between two projected points. GEOLENGTH 0009 % contains the analytical length of the geodesic. 0010 % 0011 % [~, ~, CONGEO, CONGEOLENGTH] = geodesicCylinder(PTS, CYL) provides the 0012 % conjugate geodesic and its analytical length. 0013 % 0014 % ... = geodesicCylinder(PTS, CYL, 'n', N) defines the number of points 0015 % representing the geodesic and conjugate geodesic. 0016 % 0017 % Example 0018 % demoGeodesicCylinder 0019 % 0020 % See also 0021 % drawCylinder, projPointOnCylinder 0022 % 0023 % Source 0024 % Based on the script 'geodesic.m' by Lei Wang 0025 % 0026 % 0027 0028 % ------ 0029 % Author: oqilipo 0030 % E-mail: N/A 0031 % Created: 2021-04-17, using MATLAB R2022b 0032 % Copyright 2021-2024 0033 0034 parser = inputParser; 0035 addRequired(parser, 'pts', @(x) validateattributes(x, {'numeric'},... 0036 {'size',[2 3],'real','finite','nonnan'})); 0037 addRequired(parser, 'cyl', @(x) validateattributes(x, {'numeric'},... 0038 {'size',[1 7],'real','finite','nonnan'})); 0039 addParameter(parser,'n',500, @(x) validateattributes(x, {'numeric'},... 0040 {'scalar','>', 2,'<=', 1e5})); 0041 parse(parser,pts,cyl,varargin{:}); 0042 pts = parser.Results.pts; 0043 cyl = parser.Results.cyl; 0044 n = parser.Results.n; 0045 0046 % Radius of the cylinder 0047 cylRadius = cyl(7); 0048 0049 % Project points onto the open (infinite) cylinder 0050 ptProj(1,:) = projPointOnCylinder(pts(1,:), cyl, 'open'); 0051 ptProj(2,:) = projPointOnCylinder(pts(2,:), cyl, 'open'); 0052 0053 % Create a transformation for the points into the local cylinder coordinate 0054 % system. Align the cylinder axis with the z axis and translate the 0055 % starting point of the cylinder to the origin. 0056 TFM = createRotationVector3d(cyl(4:6)-cyl(1:3), [0 0 1])*createTranslation3d(-cyl(1:3)); 0057 % Transform the points. 0058 ptTfm = transformPoint3d(ptProj, TFM); 0059 % Convert the transformed points to cylindrical coordinates. 0060 [ptsTheta, ptsRadius, ptsHeight] = cart2cyl(ptTfm); 0061 assert(ismembertol(ptsRadius(1),ptsRadius(2))) 0062 assert(ismembertol(ptsRadius(1),cylRadius)) 0063 0064 % Copy thetas for the conjugate geodesic 0065 ptsTheta(:,:,2) = ptsTheta; 0066 ptsTheta(1,1,2) = ptsTheta(1,1,2) + 2*pi; 0067 0068 geoCyl = nan(n,3,size(ptsTheta,3)); 0069 arcLength = nan(1,size(ptsTheta,3)); 0070 for t = 1:size(ptsTheta,3) 0071 [geoCyl(:,:,t), arcLength(t)] = geoCurve(ptsTheta(:,:,t), cylRadius, ptsHeight, n); 0072 end 0073 0074 % Select the shortest geodesic 0075 if arcLength(1) <= arcLength(2) 0076 % Transform the geodesics back to the global coordinate system 0077 geo = transformPoint3d(geoCyl(:,:,1), inv(TFM)); 0078 conGeo = transformPoint3d(geoCyl(:,:,2), inv(TFM)); 0079 geoLength = arcLength(1); 0080 conGeoLength = arcLength(2); 0081 else 0082 % Transform the geodesics back to the global coordinate system 0083 geo = transformPoint3d(geoCyl(:,:,2), inv(TFM)); 0084 conGeo = transformPoint3d(geoCyl(:,:,1), inv(TFM)); 0085 geoLength = arcLength(2); 0086 conGeoLength = arcLength(1); 0087 end 0088 0089 end 0090 0091 function [geo, arcLength] = geoCurve(theta, r, z, n) 0092 % Parametric expression of the geodesic curve 0093 u = linspace(theta(1),theta(2),n)'; 0094 geo(:,1) = r*cos(u); 0095 geo(:,2) = r*sin(u); 0096 geo(:,3) = (z(2)-z(1))/(theta(2)-theta(1))*u + (z(1)*theta(2)-z(2)*theta(1))/(theta(2)-theta(1)); 0097 if all(isnan(geo(:,3))) 0098 geo(:,3) = linspace(z(1),z(2),n)'; 0099 end 0100 arcLength = sqrt(r^2*(theta(2)-theta(1))^2+(z(2)-z(1))^2); 0101 end