Home > matGeom > geom3d > drawCapsule.m



Draw a capsule.


function varargout = drawCapsule(varargin)


 Draw a capsule.

   Draws the capsule CAP on the current axis. 
   CAP is a 1-by-7 row vector in the form [x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 r] where:
   * [x1 y1 z1] are the coordinates of starting point, 
   * [x2 y2 z2] are the coordinates of ending point, 
   * R is the radius of the cylinder and the two semi-spheres at the ends

   drawCapsule(CAP, N)
   Uses N points for discretizating the circles of the cylinder and the
   semi-spheres (domes). Default value is 32. 

   drawCapsule(..., 'FaceColor', COLOR)
   Specifies the color of the capsule. Any couple of parameters name and
   value can be given as argument, and will be transfered to the 'surf'
   matlab function

   drawCapsule(..., 'FaceAlpha', ALPHA)
   Specifies the transparency of the capsule and of the semi-spheres.
   drawCapsule(..., NAME, VALUE);
   Specifies one or several options using parameter name-value pairs.
   Available options are usual drawing options, as well as:
   'nPhi'    the number of arcs used for drawing the meridians
             (for the semi-spheres and the cylinder(
   'nTheta'  the number of circles used for drawing the parallels
             (only for the semi-spheres at the ends of the capsule)

   drawCapsule(AX, ...)
   Specifies the axis to draw on. AX should be a valid axis handle.

   H = drawCapsule(...)
   Returns a handle to the patch representing the capsule.

   % basic example
     figure; drawCapsule([0 0 0 10 20 30 5]);

   % change capsule color
     figure; drawCapsule([0 0 0 10 20 30 5], 'FaceColor', 'r');

   % change capsule color using graphical handle
     h = drawCapsule([0 0 0 10 20 30 5]);
     set(h, 'facecolor', 'b');

   % Draw three mutually intersecting capsules
     p0 = [10 10 10];
     p1 = p0 + 80 * [1 0 0];
     p2 = p0 + 80 * [0 1 0];
     p3 = p0 + 80 * [0 0 1];
     figure; axis equal; axis([0 100 0 100 0 100]); hold on
     drawCapsule([p0 p1 10], 'FaceColor', 'r');
     drawCapsule([p0 p2 10], 'FaceColor', 'g');
     drawCapsule([p0 p3 10], 'FaceColor', 'b');
     axis equal
     set(gcf, 'renderer', 'opengl')
     view([60 30]); light;

   % draw cube skeleton
     [v, e, f] = createCube;
     figure; axis equal; axis([-0.2 1.2 -0.2 1.2 -0.2 1.2]); hold on; view(3);
     caps = [v(e(:,1), :) v(e(:,2),:) repmat(0.1, size(e, 1), 1)];
   % Draw a capsule with high resolution
     h = drawCapsule([10,20,10,50,70,40,6], 'nPhi', 360, 'nTheta', 180);
     l = light; view(3);

   See Also:
     crawCylinder, drawDome, drawSphere


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function varargout = drawCapsule(varargin)
0002 % Draw a capsule.
0003 %
0004 %   drawCapsule(CAP)
0005 %   Draws the capsule CAP on the current axis.
0006 %   CAP is a 1-by-7 row vector in the form [x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 r] where:
0007 %   * [x1 y1 z1] are the coordinates of starting point,
0008 %   * [x2 y2 z2] are the coordinates of ending point,
0009 %   * R is the radius of the cylinder and the two semi-spheres at the ends
0010 %
0011 %   drawCapsule(CAP, N)
0012 %   Uses N points for discretizating the circles of the cylinder and the
0013 %   semi-spheres (domes). Default value is 32.
0014 %
0015 %   drawCapsule(..., 'FaceColor', COLOR)
0016 %   Specifies the color of the capsule. Any couple of parameters name and
0017 %   value can be given as argument, and will be transfered to the 'surf'
0018 %   matlab function
0019 %
0020 %   drawCapsule(..., 'FaceAlpha', ALPHA)
0021 %   Specifies the transparency of the capsule and of the semi-spheres.
0022 %
0023 %   drawCapsule(..., NAME, VALUE);
0024 %   Specifies one or several options using parameter name-value pairs.
0025 %   Available options are usual drawing options, as well as:
0026 %   'nPhi'    the number of arcs used for drawing the meridians
0027 %             (for the semi-spheres and the cylinder(
0028 %   'nTheta'  the number of circles used for drawing the parallels
0029 %             (only for the semi-spheres at the ends of the capsule)
0030 %
0031 %   drawCapsule(AX, ...)
0032 %   Specifies the axis to draw on. AX should be a valid axis handle.
0033 %
0034 %   H = drawCapsule(...)
0035 %   Returns a handle to the patch representing the capsule.
0036 %
0037 %
0038 %   Examples:
0039 %   % basic example
0040 %     figure; drawCapsule([0 0 0 10 20 30 5]);
0041 %
0042 %   % change capsule color
0043 %     figure; drawCapsule([0 0 0 10 20 30 5], 'FaceColor', 'r');
0044 %
0045 %   % change capsule color using graphical handle
0046 %     figure;
0047 %     h = drawCapsule([0 0 0 10 20 30 5]);
0048 %     set(h, 'facecolor', 'b');
0049 %
0050 %   % Draw three mutually intersecting capsules
0051 %     p0 = [10 10 10];
0052 %     p1 = p0 + 80 * [1 0 0];
0053 %     p2 = p0 + 80 * [0 1 0];
0054 %     p3 = p0 + 80 * [0 0 1];
0055 %     figure; axis equal; axis([0 100 0 100 0 100]); hold on
0056 %     drawCapsule([p0 p1 10], 'FaceColor', 'r');
0057 %     drawCapsule([p0 p2 10], 'FaceColor', 'g');
0058 %     drawCapsule([p0 p3 10], 'FaceColor', 'b');
0059 %     axis equal
0060 %     set(gcf, 'renderer', 'opengl')
0061 %     view([60 30]); light;
0062 %
0063 %   % draw cube skeleton
0064 %     [v, e, f] = createCube;
0065 %     figure; axis equal; axis([-0.2 1.2 -0.2 1.2 -0.2 1.2]); hold on; view(3);
0066 %     caps = [v(e(:,1), :) v(e(:,2),:) repmat(0.1, size(e, 1), 1)];
0067 %     drawCapsule(caps);
0068 %     light
0069 %
0070 %   % Draw a capsule with high resolution
0071 %     figure;
0072 %     h = drawCapsule([10,20,10,50,70,40,6], 'nPhi', 360, 'nTheta', 180);
0073 %     l = light; view(3);
0074 %
0075 %
0076 %   See Also:
0077 %     crawCylinder, drawDome, drawSphere
0078 %
0080 %   ---------
0081 %   author: Moritz Schappler
0082 %   created the 27/07/2013
0083 %
0085 %   HISTORY
0086 %   2013-07-27 initial version as copy of drawCylinder
0087 %   2020-05-18 changes based on current version of geom3d
0090 %% Input argument processing
0092 % parse axis handle
0093 if isAxisHandle(varargin{1})
0094     hAx = varargin{1};
0095     varargin(1) = [];
0096 else
0097     hAx = gca;
0098 end
0100 % input argument representing capsules
0101 cap = varargin{1};
0102 varargin(1) = [];
0104 % process the case of multiple capsules
0105 if iscell(cap)
0106     hCaps = gobjects(length(cap), 1);
0107     for i = 1:length(cap)
0108         hCaps(i) = drawCapsule(hAx, cap{i}, varargin{:});
0109     end
0110     if nargout > 0
0111         varargout{1} = hCaps;
0112     end    
0113     return;
0114 elseif size(cap, 1) > 1
0115     hCaps = gobjects(size(cap, 1), 3);
0116     for i = 1:size(cap, 1)
0117         hCaps(i,:) = drawCapsule(hAx, cap(i, :), varargin{:});
0118     end
0120     if nargout > 0
0121         varargout{1} = hCaps;
0122     end    
0123     return;
0124 end
0126 faceColor = 'g';
0127 ind = find(strcmpi(varargin, 'FaceColor'), 1, 'last');
0128 if ~isempty(ind)
0129     faceColor = varargin{ind+1};
0130     varargin(ind:ind+1) = [];
0131 end
0133 % extract transparency
0134 alpha = 1;
0135 ind = find(strcmpi(varargin, 'FaceAlpha'), 1, 'last');
0136 if ~isempty(ind)
0137     alpha = varargin{ind+1};
0138     varargin(ind:ind+1) = [];
0139 end
0141 % add default drawing options
0142 varargin = [{'FaceColor', faceColor, 'edgeColor', 'none', 'FaceAlpha', alpha} varargin];
0144 % adjust drawing options for the cylinder. Options nPhi and nTheta may only
0145 % be given to the function drawDome, not drawCylinder
0146 options_cyl = ['open', varargin];
0147 ind = find(strcmpi(options_cyl, 'nPhi'), 1, 'last');
0148 if ~isempty(ind)
0149     ind = ind(1);
0150     nPhi = options_cyl{ind+1};
0151     options_cyl(ind:ind+1) = [];
0152     options_cyl = [nPhi, options_cyl];
0153 end
0154 ind = find(strcmpi(options_cyl, 'nTheta'), 1, 'last');
0155 if ~isempty(ind)
0156     options_cyl(ind:ind+1) = [];
0157 end
0159 hold on
0160 if all(cap(1:3) == cap(4:6))
0161   % the capsule is only a sphere. take arbitrary axis to be able to plot
0162   cap(4:6) = cap(1:3)+eps*([0 0 1]);
0163   h1 = 0;
0164 else
0165   h1 = drawCylinder(cap, options_cyl{:});
0166 end
0167 h2 = drawDome(cap([1:3,7]),  (cap(1:3)-cap(4:6)), varargin{:});
0168 h3 = drawDome(cap([4:6,7]), -(cap(1:3)-cap(4:6)), varargin{:});
0170 % return handles
0171 if nargout == 1
0172     varargout{1} = [h1, h2, h3];
0173 end

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