Home > matGeom > geom3d > intersectRayPolygon3d.m



INTERSECTRAYPOLYGON3D Intersection point of a 3D ray and a 3D polygon.


function [inter, inside]= intersectRayPolygon3d(ray, poly)


INTERSECTRAYPOLYGON3D Intersection point of a 3D ray and a 3D polygon.

   INTER = intersectRayPolygon3d(RAY, POLY)
   Compute coordinates of intersection point between the 3D ray RAY and
   the 3D polygon POLY. RAY is a 1-by-6 row vector containing origin and
   direction vector of the ray, POLY is a Np-by-3 array containing
   coordinates of 3D polygon vertices.
   INTER is a 1-by-3 row vector containing coordinates of intersection
   point, or [NaN NaN NaN] if ray and polygon do not intersect.

   INTERS = intersectRayPolygon3d(RAYS, POLY)
   If RAYS is a N-by-6 array representing several rays, the result
   INTERS is a N-by-3 array containing coordinates of intersection of each
   ray with the polygon.

   [INTER INSIDE] = intersectRayPolygon3d(RAY, POLY)
   Also return a N-by-1 boolean array containing TRUE if both the polygon
   and the corresponding ray contain the intersection point.

     % Compute intersection between a 3D ray and a 3D triangle
     pts3d = [3 0 0; 0 6 0;0 0 9];
     ray1 = [0 0 0 3 6 9];
     inter = intersectRayPolygon3d(ray1, pts3d)
     inter =
           1   2   3

     % keep only valid intersections with several rays
     pts3d = [3 0 0; 0 6 0;0 0 9];
     rays = [0 0 0 3 6 9;10 0 0 1 2 3;3 6 9 3 6 9];
     [inter inside] = intersectRayPolygon3d(rays, pts3d);
     inter(inside, :)
     ans = 
           1   2   3

   See Also
   intersectRayPolygon, intersectLinePolygon3d, intersectLineTriangle3d


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [inter, inside]= intersectRayPolygon3d(ray, poly)
0002 %INTERSECTRAYPOLYGON3D Intersection point of a 3D ray and a 3D polygon.
0003 %
0004 %   INTER = intersectRayPolygon3d(RAY, POLY)
0005 %   Compute coordinates of intersection point between the 3D ray RAY and
0006 %   the 3D polygon POLY. RAY is a 1-by-6 row vector containing origin and
0007 %   direction vector of the ray, POLY is a Np-by-3 array containing
0008 %   coordinates of 3D polygon vertices.
0009 %   INTER is a 1-by-3 row vector containing coordinates of intersection
0010 %   point, or [NaN NaN NaN] if ray and polygon do not intersect.
0011 %
0012 %   INTERS = intersectRayPolygon3d(RAYS, POLY)
0013 %   If RAYS is a N-by-6 array representing several rays, the result
0014 %   INTERS is a N-by-3 array containing coordinates of intersection of each
0015 %   ray with the polygon.
0016 %
0017 %   [INTER INSIDE] = intersectRayPolygon3d(RAY, POLY)
0018 %   Also return a N-by-1 boolean array containing TRUE if both the polygon
0019 %   and the corresponding ray contain the intersection point.
0020 %
0021 %   Example
0022 %     % Compute intersection between a 3D ray and a 3D triangle
0023 %     pts3d = [3 0 0; 0 6 0;0 0 9];
0024 %     ray1 = [0 0 0 3 6 9];
0025 %     inter = intersectRayPolygon3d(ray1, pts3d)
0026 %     inter =
0027 %           1   2   3
0028 %
0029 %     % keep only valid intersections with several rays
0030 %     pts3d = [3 0 0; 0 6 0;0 0 9];
0031 %     rays = [0 0 0 3 6 9;10 0 0 1 2 3;3 6 9 3 6 9];
0032 %     [inter inside] = intersectRayPolygon3d(rays, pts3d);
0033 %     inter(inside, :)
0034 %     ans =
0035 %           1   2   3
0036 %
0037 %   See Also
0038 %   intersectRayPolygon, intersectLinePolygon3d, intersectLineTriangle3d
0039 %
0041 % ------
0042 % Author: David Legland
0043 % e-mail: david.legland@inra.fr
0044 % Created: 2011-05-22,    using Matlab (R2009b)
0045 % Copyright 2011 INRA - Cepia Software Platform.
0047 % supporting plane of polygon vertices
0048 plane   = createPlane(poly(1:3, :));
0050 % intersection of 3D ray with the plane
0051 inter   = intersectLinePlane(ray, plane);
0053 % project all points on reference plane
0054 pts2d   = planePosition(projPointOnPlane(poly, plane), plane);
0055 pInt2d  = planePosition(projPointOnPlane(inter, plane), plane);
0057 % need to check polygon orientation
0058 inPoly  = xor(isPointInPolygon(pInt2d, pts2d), polygonArea(pts2d) < 0);
0059 onRay   = linePosition3d(inter, ray) >= 0;
0060 inside  = inPoly & onRay;
0062 % intersection points outside the polygon are set to NaN
0063 inter(~inside, :) = NaN;

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