Home > matGeom > meshes3d > meshEdgeFaces.m



MESHEDGEFACES Compute index of faces adjacent to each edge of a mesh.


function edgeFaces = meshEdgeFaces(vertices, edges, faces) %#ok


MESHEDGEFACES Compute index of faces adjacent to each edge of a mesh.

   EF = meshEdgeFaces(V, E, F)
   Compute index array of faces adjacent to each edge of a mesh.
   V, E and F define the mesh: V is vertex array, E contains vertex
   indices of edge extremities, and F contains vertex indices of each
   face, either as a numerical array or as a cell array.
   The result EF has as many rows as the number of edges, and two column.
   The first column contains index of faces located on the left of the
   corresponding edge, whereas the second column contains index of the
   face located on the right. Some indices may be 0 if the mesh is not
   Note: a faster version is available for triangular meshes.


   See also
   meshes3d, trimeshEdgeFaces, meshDihedralAngles, polyhedronMeanBreadth


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function edgeFaces = meshEdgeFaces(vertices, edges, faces) %#ok<INUSL>
0002 %MESHEDGEFACES Compute index of faces adjacent to each edge of a mesh.
0003 %
0004 %   EF = meshEdgeFaces(V, E, F)
0005 %   Compute index array of faces adjacent to each edge of a mesh.
0006 %   V, E and F define the mesh: V is vertex array, E contains vertex
0007 %   indices of edge extremities, and F contains vertex indices of each
0008 %   face, either as a numerical array or as a cell array.
0009 %   The result EF has as many rows as the number of edges, and two column.
0010 %   The first column contains index of faces located on the left of the
0011 %   corresponding edge, whereas the second column contains index of the
0012 %   face located on the right. Some indices may be 0 if the mesh is not
0013 %   'closed'.
0014 %
0015 %   Note: a faster version is available for triangular meshes.
0016 %
0017 %   Example
0018 %   meshEdgeFaces
0019 %
0020 %   See also
0021 %   meshes3d, trimeshEdgeFaces, meshDihedralAngles, polyhedronMeanBreadth
0023 % ------
0024 % Author: David Legland
0025 % e-mail: david.legland@grignon.inra.fr
0026 % Created: 2010-10-04,    using Matlab (R2009b)
0027 % Copyright 2010 INRA - Cepia Software Platform.
0029 Ne = size(edges, 1);
0031 % indices of faces adjacent to each edge
0032 edgeFaces = zeros(Ne, 2);
0034 % different method for extracting current face depending if faces are
0035 % stored as index 2D array or as cell array of 1D arrays.
0036 if isnumeric(faces)
0037     Nf = size(faces, 1);
0038     for i = 1:Nf
0039         face = faces(i, :);
0040         processFace(face, i)
0041     end
0042 elseif iscell(faces)
0043     Nf = length(faces);
0044     for i = 1:Nf
0045         face = faces{i};
0046         processFace(face, i)
0047     end
0048 end
0050     function processFace(face, indFace)
0051         % iterate on face edges
0052         for j = 1:length(face)
0053             % build edge: array of vertices
0054             j2 = mod(j, length(face)) + 1;
0056             % do not process edges with same vertices
0057             if face(j) == face(j2)
0058                 continue;
0059             end
0061             % vertex indices of current edge
0062             currentEdge = [face(j) face(j2)];
0064             % find index of current edge, assuming face is left-located
0065             b1 = ismember(edges, currentEdge, 'rows');
0066             indEdge = find(b1);
0067             if ~isempty(indEdge)
0068                 if edgeFaces(indEdge, 1) ~= 0
0069                     error('meshes3d:IllegalTopology', ...
0070                         'Two faces were found on left side of edge %d ', indEdge);
0071                 end
0073                 edgeFaces(indEdge, 1) = indFace;
0074                 continue;
0075             end
0077             % otherwise, assume the face is right-located
0078             b2 = ismember(edges, currentEdge([2 1]), 'rows');
0079             indEdge = find(b2);
0080             if ~isempty(indEdge)
0081                 if edgeFaces(indEdge, 2) ~= 0
0082                     error('meshes3d:IllegalTopology', ...
0083                         'Two faces were found on left side of edge %d ', indEdge);
0084                 end
0086                 edgeFaces(indEdge, 2) = indFace;
0087                 continue;
0088             end
0090             % If face was neither left nor right, error
0091             warning('meshes3d:IllegalTopology', ...
0092                 'Edge %d of face %d was not found in edge array', ...
0093                 j, indFace);
0094             continue;
0095         end
0096     end
0098 end

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