< Master index Index for matGeom\meshes3d >

Index for matGeom\meshes3d

Matlab files in this directory:

 ContentsMESHES3D 3D Surface Meshes
 averageMeshCompute average mesh from a list of meshes.
 boxToMeshBOXTOMESH Convert a box into a quad mesh with the same size.
 checkMeshAdjacentFacesCHECKMESHADJACENTFACES Check if adjacent faces of a mesh have similar orientation.
 clipConvexPolyhedronHPCLIPCONVEXPOLYHEDRONHP Clip a convex polyhedron by a plane.
 clipMeshVerticesCLIPMESHVERTICES Clip vertices of a surfacic mesh and remove outer faces.
 collapseEdgesWithManyFacesremoves mesh edges adjacent to more than two faces
 concatenateMeshesCONCATENATEMESHES Concatenate multiple meshes.
 createCubeCREATECUBE Create a 3D mesh representing the unit cube.
 createCubeOctahedronCREATECUBEOCTAHEDRON Create a 3D mesh representing a cube-octahedron.
 createDodecahedronCREATEDODECAHEDRON Create a 3D mesh representing a dodecahedron.
 createDurerPolyhedronCREATEDURERPOLYHEDRON Create a mesh representing Durer's polyhedron .
 createIcosahedronCREATEICOSAHEDRON Create a 3D mesh representing an Icosahedron.
 createMengerSpongeCREATEMENGERSPONGE Create a cube with an inside cross removed.
 createOctahedronCREATEOCTAHEDRON Create a 3D mesh representing an octahedron.
 createRhombododecahedronCREATERHOMBODODECAHEDRON Create a 3D mesh representing a rhombododecahedron.
 createSoccerBallCREATESOCCERBALL Create a 3D mesh representing a soccer ball.
 createStellatedMeshCREATESTELLATEDMESH Replaces each face of a mesh by a pyramid.
 createTetrahedronCREATETETRAHEDRON Create a 3D mesh representing a tetrahedron.
 createTetrakaidecahedronCREATETETRAKAIDECAHEDRON Create a 3D mesh representing a tetrakaidecahedron.
 curveToMeshCreate a mesh surrounding a 3D curve.
 cutMeshByPlaneCUTMESHBYPLANE Cut a mesh by a plane.
 cylinderMeshCreate a 3D mesh representing a cylinder.
 distancePointMeshDISTANCEPOINTMESH Shortest distance between a (3D) point and a triangle mesh.
 drawFaceNormalsDRAWFACENORMALS Draw normal vector of each face in a mesh.
 drawMeshDraw a 3D mesh defined by vertex and face arrays.
 drawPolyhedronDRAWPOLYHEDRON Draw polyhedron defined by vertices and faces.
 ellipsoidMeshELLIPSOIDMESH Convert a 3D ellipsoid to face-vertex mesh representation.
 ensureManifoldMeshENSUREMANIFOLDMESH Apply several simplification to obtain a manifold mesh.
 fillMeshFacesFill the faces of a mesh with the specified colors.
 intersectEdgeMesh3dIntersection points of a 3D edge with a mesh.
 intersectLineMesh3dIntersection points of a 3D line with a mesh.
 intersectPlaneMeshCompute the polygons resulting from plane-mesh intersection.
 isManifoldMeshISMANIFOLDMESH Check whether the input mesh may be considered as manifold.
 isPointInMeshISPOINTINMESH Check if a point is inside a 3D mesh.
 mergeCoplanarFacesMERGECOPLANARFACES Merge coplanar faces of a polyhedral mesh.
 mergeMeshVerticesMERGEMESHVERTICES Merge two vertices and removes eventual degenerated faces.
 meshAdjacencyMatrixMESHADJACENCYMATRIX Compute adjacency matrix of a mesh from set of faces.
 meshBoundaryMESHBOUNDARY Boundary of a mesh as a collection of 3D line strings.
 meshBoundaryEdgeIndicesMESHBOUNDARYEDGEINDICES Indices of boundary edges of a mesh.
 meshBoundaryVertexIndicesMESHBOUNDARYVERTEXINDICES Indices of boundary vertices of a mesh.
 meshComplementReverse the normal of each face in the mesh.
 meshCurvaturesCompute principal curvatures on mesh vertices.
 meshDihedralAnglesMESHDIHEDRALANGLES Dihedral at edges of a polyhedal mesh.
 meshEdgeFacesMESHEDGEFACES Compute index of faces adjacent to each edge of a mesh.
 meshEdgeLengthMESHEDGELENGTH Lengths of edges of a polygonal or polyhedral mesh.
 meshEdgesMESHEDGES Computes array of edge vertex indices from face array.
 meshFaceMESHFACE Return the vertex indices of a face in a mesh.
 meshFaceAdjacencyMESHFACEADJACENCY Compute adjacency list of face around each face.
 meshFaceAreasMESHFACEAREAS Surface area of each face of a mesh.
 meshFaceCentroidsMESHFACECENTROIDS Compute centroids of faces in a mesh.
 meshFaceEdgesMESHFACEEDGES Computes edge indices of each face.
 meshFaceNormalsMESHFACENORMALS Compute normal vector of faces in a 3D mesh.
 meshFaceNumberMESHFACENUMBER Returns the number of faces in this mesh.
 meshFacePolygonsMESHFACEPOLYGONS Returns the set of polygons that constitutes a mesh.
 meshSilhouetteMESHSILHOUETTE Compute the 2D outline of a 3D mesh on an arbitrary plane.
 meshSurfaceAreaSurface area of a polyhedral mesh.
 meshVertexClusteringMESHVERTEXCLUSTERING Simplifies a mesh using vertex clustering.
 meshVertexNormalsMESHVERTEXNORMALS Compute normals to a mesh vertices.
 meshVolume(Signed) volume of the space enclosed by a polygonal mesh.
 meshVoronoiDiagramVoronoi Diagram on the surface of a polygonal mesh.
 minConvexHullMINCONVEXHULL Return the unique minimal convex hull of a set of 3D points.
 polyhedraPOLYHEDRA Index of classical polyhedral meshes.
 polyhedronCentroidPOLYHEDRONCENTROID Compute the centroid of a 3D convex polyhedron.
 polyhedronMeanBreadthPOLYHEDRONMEANBREADTH Mean breadth of a convex polyhedron.
 polyhedronNormalAnglePOLYHEDRONNORMALANGLE Compute normal angle at a vertex of a 3D polyhedron.
 polyhedronSlicePOLYHEDRONSLICE Intersect a convex polyhedron with a plane.
 readMeshRead a 3D mesh by inferring format from file name.
 readMesh_offRead mesh data stored in OFF format.
 readMesh_plyRead mesh data stored in PLY (Stanford triangle) format.
 readMesh_stlREADMESH_STL Read mesh data stored in STL format.
 removeDuplicateFacesREMOVEDUPLICATEFACES Remove duplicate faces in a face array.
 removeInvalidBorderFacesREMOVEINVALIDBORDERFACES Remove faces whose edges are connected to 3, 3, and 1 faces.
 removeMeshEarsREMOVEMESHEARS Remove vertices that are connected to only one face.
 removeMeshFacesREMOVEMESHFACES Remove faces from a mesh by face indices.
 removeMeshVerticesREMOVEMESHVERTICES Remove vertices and associated faces from a mesh.
 smoothMeshSMOOTHMESH Smooth mesh by replacing each vertex by the average of its neighbors.
 smoothMeshFunctionApply smoothing on a functions defines on mesh vertices.
 sphereMeshCreate a 3D mesh representing a sphere.
 splitMeshSPLITMESH Return the connected components of a mesh.
 steinerPolytopeSTEINERPOLYTOPE Create a steiner polytope from a set of vectors.
 subdivideMeshSUBDIVIDEMESH Subdivides each face of the mesh.
 surfToMeshConvert surface grids into face-vertex mesh.
 tetrahedronVolumeTETRAHEDRONVOLUME Signed volume of a tetrahedron.
 torusMeshCreate a 3D mesh representing a torus.
 transformMeshTRANSFORMMESH Applies a 3D affine transform to a mesh.
 triangulateCurvePairTRIANGULATECURVEPAIR Compute triangulation between a pair of 3D open curves.
 triangulateFacesTRIANGULATEFACES Convert face array to an array of triangular faces.
 triangulatePolygonPairCompute triangulation between a pair of 3D closed curves.
 trimMeshTRIMMESH Reduce memory footprint of a polygonal mesh.
 trimeshEdgeFacesTRIMESHEDGEFACES Compute index of faces adjacent to each edge of a triangular mesh.
 trimeshMeanBreadthTRIMESHMEANBREADTH Mean breadth of a triangular mesh.
 trimeshSurfaceAreaTRIMESHSURFACEAREA Surface area of a triangular mesh.
 vertexNormalVERTEXNORMAL Compute normals to a mesh vertices.
 writeMeshWrite 3D mesh data by inferring format from file name.
 writeMesh_offWRITEMESH_OFF Write a mesh into a text file in OFF format.
 writeMesh_plyWRITEMESH_PLY Write a mesh into a file in PLY format.
 writeMesh_stlWRITEMESH_STL Write mesh data in the STL format.

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