Home > matGeom > meshes3d > splitMesh.m



SPLITMESH Return the connected components of a mesh.


function meshes = splitMesh(vertices, faces, varargin)


SPLITMESH Return the connected components of a mesh.

   MESHES = splitMesh(VERTICES, FACES) returns the connected components of
   the mesh defined by vertices and faces as a struct array with the  
   fields vertices and faces sorted by increasing vertex number

   MESHES = splitMesh(MESH) with the vertices-faces-struct MESH is also
   ... = splitMesh(..., 'mostVertices') returns only the component with
   the most vertices. Other options are 'all' (default),
   'maxBoundingBox' that returns the component with the largest bounding 
   box, and 'maxVolume' returns the component with the largest volume.

     [v1, f1] = boxToMesh([1 0 -1 0 -1 0]);
     [v2, f2] = boxToMesh([-1 0 1 0 -1 0]);
     [v3, f3] = createSoccerBall;
     f1 = triangulateFaces(f1);
     f2 = triangulateFaces(f2);
     f3 = triangulateFaces(f3);
     [vertices, faces] = concatenateMeshes(v1, f1, v3, f3, v2, f2);
     meshes = splitMesh(vertices, faces);
     figure('color','w'); view(3); axis equal
     for m=1:length(meshes)
         drawMesh(meshes(m), cmap(m,:))

   See also

     Local functions are part of the gptoolbox of Alec Jacobson

 Author: oqilipo
 Created: 2017-09-17
 Copyright 2017


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function meshes = splitMesh(vertices, faces, varargin)
0002 %SPLITMESH Return the connected components of a mesh.
0003 %
0004 %   MESHES = splitMesh(VERTICES, FACES) returns the connected components of
0005 %   the mesh defined by vertices and faces as a struct array with the
0006 %   fields vertices and faces sorted by increasing vertex number
0007 %
0008 %   MESHES = splitMesh(MESH) with the vertices-faces-struct MESH is also
0009 %   possible
0010 %
0011 %   ... = splitMesh(..., 'mostVertices') returns only the component with
0012 %   the most vertices. Other options are 'all' (default),
0013 %   'maxBoundingBox' that returns the component with the largest bounding
0014 %   box, and 'maxVolume' returns the component with the largest volume.
0015 %
0016 %
0017 %   Example
0018 %     [v1, f1] = boxToMesh([1 0 -1 0 -1 0]);
0019 %     [v2, f2] = boxToMesh([-1 0 1 0 -1 0]);
0020 %     [v3, f3] = createSoccerBall;
0021 %     f1 = triangulateFaces(f1);
0022 %     f2 = triangulateFaces(f2);
0023 %     f3 = triangulateFaces(f3);
0024 %     [vertices, faces] = concatenateMeshes(v1, f1, v3, f3, v2, f2);
0025 %     meshes = splitMesh(vertices, faces);
0026 %     figure('color','w'); view(3); axis equal
0027 %     cmap=hsv(length(meshes));
0028 %     for m=1:length(meshes)
0029 %         drawMesh(meshes(m), cmap(m,:))
0030 %     end
0031 %
0032 %   See also
0033 %     concatenateMeshes
0034 %
0035 %   Source
0036 %     Local functions are part of the gptoolbox of Alec Jacobson
0037 %     https://github.com/alecjacobson/gptoolbox
0038 %
0039 % ---------
0040 % Author: oqilipo
0041 % Created: 2017-09-17
0042 % Copyright 2017
0044 % input parsing
0045 if isstruct(vertices)
0046     if nargin > 1; varargin = [faces, varargin]; end
0047     [vertices, faces]=parseMeshData(vertices);
0048 end
0050 parser = inputParser;
0051 validStrings = {'all','mostVertices','maxBoundingBox','maxVolume'};
0052 addOptional(parser,'components','all',@(x) any(validatestring(x, validStrings)));
0053 parse(parser,varargin{:});
0054 outputComp = validatestring(parser.Results.components, validStrings);
0056 % algorithm
0057 CC = connected_components(faces);
0058 [a,~]=hist(CC,unique(CC));
0059 [~,b] = sort(a);
0060 meshes=repmat(struct('vertices',[],'faces',[]),length(b),1);
0061 for cc=b
0062     meshes(cc)=removeMeshVertices(vertices, faces, ~(CC'==b(cc)));
0063 end
0065 % output parsing
0066 switch outputComp
0067     case 'mostVertices'
0068         meshes=meshes(end);
0069     case 'maxBoundingBox'
0070         [~,sortingIndices] = sort(arrayfun(@(x) box3dVolume(boundingBox3d(x.vertices)), meshes));
0071         meshes = meshes(sortingIndices(end));
0072     case 'maxVolume'
0073         [~,sortingIndices] = sort(arrayfun(@(x) meshVolume(x.vertices, x.faces), meshes));
0074         meshes = meshes(sortingIndices(end));
0075 end
0077 end
0080 %% Local functions are part of the gptoolbox by Alec Jacobson
0081 function C = connected_components(F)
0082 % CONNECTED_COMPONENTS Determine the connected components of a mesh
0083 % described by the simplex list F. Components are determined with respect
0084 % to the edges of the mesh. That is, a single component may contain
0085 % non-manifold edges and vertices.
0086 %
0087 % C = connected_components(F)
0088 %
0089 % Inputs:
0090 %   F  #F by simplex-size list of simplices
0091 % Outputs:
0092 %   C  #V list of ids for each CC
0093 %
0094 % Examples:
0095 %  trisurf(F,V(:,1),V(:,2),V(:,3), ...
0096 %    connected_components([F;repmat(size(V,1),1,3)]));
0098 % build adjacency list
0099 A = adjacency_matrix(F);
0100 [~,C] = conncomp(A);
0101 end
0103 function [A] = adjacency_matrix(E)
0104 % ADJACENCY_MATRIX Build sparse adjacency matrix from edge list or face list
0105 %
0106 % [A] = adjacency_matrix(E)
0107 % [A] = adjacency_matrix(F)
0108 % [A] = adjacency_matrix(T)
0109 %
0110 % Inputs:
0111 %   E  #E by 2 edges list
0112 %   or
0113 %   F  #F by 3 triangle list
0114 %   or
0115 %   T  #F by 4 tet list
0116 % Outputs:
0117 %   A  #V by #V adjacency matrix (#V = max(E(:)))
0118 %
0119 % See also: facet_adjacency_matrix
0120 %
0122 if size(E,2)>2
0123     F = E;
0124     E = meshEdges(F);
0125 end
0127 A = sparse([E(:,1) E(:,2)],[E(:,2) E(:,1)],1);
0128 end
0130 function [S,C] = conncomp(G)
0131 % CONNCOMP Drop in replacement for graphconncomp.m from the bioinformatics
0132 % toobox. G is an n by n adjacency matrix, then this identifies the S
0133 % connected components C. This is also an order of magnitude faster.
0134 %
0135 % [S,C] = conncomp(G)
0136 %
0137 % Inputs:
0138 %   G  n by n adjacency matrix
0139 % Outputs:
0140 %   S  scalar number of connected components
0141 %   C
0143 % Transpose to match graphconncomp
0144 G = G';
0146 [p,~,r] = dmperm(G+speye(size(G)));
0147 S = numel(r)-1;
0148 C = cumsum(full(sparse(1,r(1:end-1),1,1,size(G,1))));
0149 C(p) = C;
0150 end

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